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UI for ASP.NET Core Forum
1 answer
My grid is configured for InCell editing and AutoSync. After I upgraded to the latest version of Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core, the add button no longer works. It appears to try to add the empty row, but cannot. No error is thrown. Is this a bug or a new 'feature?'
Telerik team
 answered on 23 Apr 2024
1 answer


I want to show, group and filter the Id field on one of the grid columns by connecting it to the Enum side.

I used ForeignKey column but it doesn't show the data.

The request is being sent. data is returning. But it doesn't show.

Important Note: I don't use inline editing on the grid. It'll only show.

What's wrong?

Result SET
    "Data": [
            "LogoUrl": "",
            "ParentCompany": null,
            "ParentCompanyId": 0,
            "CompanyType": 10,
            "CompanyTypeId": 10,
            "Title": "POL & PAK LTD",
            "Code": "12688900",
            "PostCode": "ST1 4NP",
            "Address": "10 Harcourt Street, Stoke-On-Trent, England, ST1 4NP",
            "ShortNotes": "12688900 - Incorporated on 22 June 2020",
            "VatNumber": null,
            "ExemptVat": false,
            "EoriNumber": null,
            "RegisterNumber": "12688900",
            "CreditLimit": 0.00000,
            "DiscountRate": 0.00000,
            "CreditTerm": null,
            "CreditTermId": 0,
            "Longitude": null,
            "Latitude": null,
            "Status": "Active",
            "StatusId": 10,
            "Id": 1
    "Total": 1,
    "AggregateResults": null,
    "Errors": null

 columns.ForeignKey(p => p.CreditTermId, ds => ds.Read(r => r.Action("GetCreditTerms", "ErpCommon")), "CreditTermId", "CreditTermName").Title("CreditTerm"); 

 public async Task<IActionResult> GetCreditTermsAsync()
     var model = new List<ErpCreditTermViewModel>();

     var availibleCreditTerms = await _erpCreditTermService.GetCreditTermsAsync();
     foreach (var creditTerm in availibleCreditTerms)
         var erpCreditTermViewModel = await _erpCreditTermModelFactory.PrepareCreditTermViewModelAsync(creditTerm);

     return Json(model);

Telerik team
 answered on 18 Apr 2024
0 answers

I have an AutoComplete control calling my Controller that has the [Authorize] attribute applied to it. When the session expires the control lets you still type in it and tries to call the controller. Nothing happens on the page to show an issue, but in the browser development tools console, there is a jQuery error reporting a 404 error.

The big question is why is it not either getting a 401 error code or following the redirect it is getting to go to the login page? If it was reporting the correct error code than at least I could capture it and redirect it myself or deal with it as I need to.


Top achievements
Rank 2
 asked on 11 Apr 2024
1 answer

We're currently out of support. I don't know if Bug reports are being monitored here.


Please see REPL:


Problem: Drag&Drop of Row (Reorderable) not working because Grid inside TabStrip.


Telerik team
 answered on 09 Apr 2024
1 answer

I am trying to filter through a model lets say:


public class Cat


     public int Id {get; set;}

     public int ColorId {get; set; }


public class Color


    public int ColorId { get; set; }

    public string? Color { get; set; }



in the controller :


public IActionResult GetCatsColors([DataSourceReques] DataSourceRequest request)


    var catColor = (from c in _catContext..Cats.ToList()

                              join v in _colorContext.Colors.ToList() on c.ColorId equals v.ColorId

                              select new ColorCat


                                   Colori = v.Color,

                                   CatId = c.Id


                var jsonCat = catColor.ToDatasourceResult(request);

                return Json(jsonCat);



the view:



      .Columns(col =>


             col.Bound(t => t.Id);

             col.Bound(t => t.Colori);


     .Filterable(f => f.Mode(GridFilterMode.Row))



    Now when I try to filter through the Id I get the grid to respond but when I filter by Colori I do not get a response

    and I have noticed, Error 500. Server internal error.


   I also have tried creating a view in the database but the same result appears. It looks like it only filters from one class but not the other.


  ArgumentException: Invalid property or field - 'Colori' for type: Cat



Anton Mironov
Telerik team
 answered on 09 Apr 2024
2 answers
We are trying to implement the Kendo grid to replace our previous framework tool (c1).

Now I am stuck on creating a particular grid. The grid has a group header over 2 columns. In a row, the data of a property is represented as a cell (span) over 2 columns. Below this span are 2 properties in their own cell. This almost succeeds me with a ClientTemplate. However, I do not know how to use the properties from the row data.
When the group header is clicked the first propery sorts. The headers of 2 other columns sort their own property (column). 
In the picture, "naam" is the groups head. "Adres" and "Plaats" are the subcolumns.

How can I make this with the Kendo grid? I am mainly concerned with sorting the data behind the group header.

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Rank 1
 answered on 03 Apr 2024
1 answer

I have a grid whose first column is a string column, and the 2nd and 3rd columns are sometimes dropdowns based on the value shown in the first column.

I have it mostly working except for a small issue. If I click slowly enough it seems to work but if i click around the different cells eventually my dropdown appears in a cell that it should not. What is the correct way to implement the described behavior?

Should I be looking for a cell template solution? Or do I need to subscribe to a custom grid event?

Any advice would be much appreciated.


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Rank 1
 answered on 25 Mar 2024
1 answer

Below code needs to be corrected for ASP.NET Core Grid Popup Editing :

.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource .Ajax() .PageSize(20) .Events(events => events.Error("error_handler")) .Model(model => model.Id(p => p.ProductID)) .Create(update => update.Action("EditingPopup_Create", "Grid")) .Read(read => read.Action("EditingPopup_Read", "Grid")) .Update(update => update.Action("EditingPopup_Update", "Grid")) .Destroy(update => update.Action("EditingPopup_Destroy", "Grid"))


It seems create arrow function is called for update & destroy as well.

while editing the row data EditingPopup_Create create is called instead of update !!

Anton Mironov
Telerik team
 answered on 25 Mar 2024
1 answer

This is probably just a request for a pointer to the documentation for older versions, which I couldn't find.  But the problem that I'm trying to solve is:

I'm trying to update some older software that uses Telerik.Web.UI 2015.2.826.45.  I'd like to add a client-side event handler that fires whenever the value of a RadComboBox is changed, whether by the user, or by server-side code.  The current doco quite clearly states that I want to use add_selectedIndexChanged, with the eventArgs parameter which is passed to that event containing the new selected item.  That function doesn't seem to exist in the version I'm using.  I tried adding a handler via the OnClientSelectedIndexChanged attribute of the ASPX element, and it handles an event when the user makes a change, but not when the server does.  And the arguments are in a completely different form.  Any idea how I do something equivalent in the older version?  Or where to find documentation that would apply to that version?


Thanks for any help


Telerik team
 answered on 22 Mar 2024
1 answer

Hello Telerik,

I am using the Kendo Upload Control with Async AutoUpload set to "true".  In version 2023.3.1114, when using "Select File" to upload a document the control works perfectly.  Dragging and dropping a file onto the control also works perfectly. 

After upgrading to 2024.1.130 using "Select File" to upload a document does not work, but dragging and dropping a file does work to upload a document.

Can you please advise me as to what I am doing wrong.  I am using jQuery v3.7.0.

My client side code looks like the following:
		.HtmlAttributes(new { aria_label = "files", title = "Select file to upload" })
		.Messages(m => m.Select("Select file...")
		.DropFilesHere("Drop file here to upload"))
		.Async(a => a
			.Save("UploadSave", "Vendors")
		.Validation(validation =>
			validation.AllowedExtensions(new string[] { "pdf", "docx", "xlsx", "zip" });
		.Events(e => e

Ivan Danchev
Telerik team
 answered on 21 Mar 2024
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