Calendar control not loading header content template

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Tyler asked on 25 Apr 2022, 09:33 PM

I am running into an issue with the calendar control dealing with the header content template. I have a template set in the calendar however on load the header never shows up. The only way that I have been able to see the header content is if i comment out the template while it is running, uncomment it and then save. After this the header shows up at the top of the screen. I have attached a screenshot with my rad calendar as well as a zipped mp4 video showing the issue and it appearing after commenting/uncommenting the data template. Any idea why the header content template does not show on load?

Telerik team
commented on 26 Apr 2022, 07:30 AM

I have tried to reproduce the behavior but on my side, the header content template is loaded as expected: 

I will need the complete setup. If it is possible to isolate the issue in a sample app, that could be of great help. 



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commented on 28 Apr 2022, 01:42 PM

Following up on this since i have figured out what was causing the issue in case anyone who reads this runs in to this same weird issue. Binding the actual width of the radCalendar to the grid width was what was causing the header to not display. I honestly don't know why that was causing this to not display but removing that fixed my issue.

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