Filter issue on version upgrade.

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Abhijeet asked on 23 May 2024, 06:19 AM
Thank you for helping us on successfully version upgrade which I mentioned here. The Current version is 2023.3.1114. Now I'm facing another issue. On selecting the filter option (three dots on column), I'm getting error in my console panel. This configuration works in some pages and breaks in some pages. I've attached console error
Below is my sample code.

var gridName = <HTML_SELECTOR+NAME>,
    gridURL = <SERVER_URL>,

    columnNames = [{
        template: "# if((uploaded_status =='Delete In Process')||(uploaded_status =='GSTN Delete Error')||(uploaded_status =='Saved')|(uploaded_status =='Submitted')|(uploaded_status =='Filed') ){} else { # <input type='checkbox' class='checkBoxClassInv' name='selectgst[]' value='#: data.gstin_of_customer #:#: data.invoice_no #'>  #}#",
        field: "gstin",
        title: "<input type='checkbox' check-id='checkBoxClassInv' class='checkAllGrid'>",
        filterable: false,
        sortable: false,
        groupable: false,
        width: 30
    }, {
        template: "<div class='status #: uploaded_status #'>#: uploaded_status #</div>",
        field: "uploaded_status",
        title: "Status",
        width: 100
    }, {
        field: "outwardvsgstr1_status",
        title: "OutwardVsGstr1 Status",
        width: 90
    }, {
        field: "invoice_category",
        title: "Tran Type",
        width: 100
    }, {
        field: "doc_type",
        title: "Doc Type",
        width: 100
    }, {
        template: "<span class='grid-align-left'>#: customer_name #</span>",
        field: "customer_name",
        title: "Customer Name",
        width: 200
    }, {
        template: "<span class='invoice_no' >#: invoice_no #</span>",
        field: "invoice_no",
        title: "Doc No ",
        width: 100
    }, {
        field: "invoice_date",
        title: "Doc Date",
        width: 100
    }, {
        field: "place_of_supply",
        title: "POS",
        width: 90
    }, {
        command: [{
            text: " ",
            name: "Details",
            click: outwardInvoiceDetails,
            iconClass: "k-icon k-icon-20 k-i-info m-r-0-imp op-1"
        }, {
            text: " ",
            name: "Edit",
            click: outwardInvoiceEditDetails,
            iconClass: "k-icon k-icon-20 k-i-edit m-r-0-imp op-1",
            visible: function (dataItem) {
                if ((dataItem.uploaded_status == 'Deleted') || (dataItem.uploaded_status == 'Pending Response') || (dataItem.uploaded_status == 'Delete In Process') || (dataItem.uploaded_status == 'GSTN Delete Error') || (dataItem.uploaded_status == 'Saved') || (dataItem.uploaded_status == 'Submitted') || (dataItem.uploaded_status == 'Filed')) { } else {
                    if (outwardManualEntryConf == 1 && editable == 1) {
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        return false;
        title: "<span class='select'>Details</span>",
        width: 130

    gridData = {
        p_gstin: gstin,
        return_period: fpdate
//below is kendo grid defination
$("#" + gridId).empty().kendoGrid({

    dataSource: {
        transport: {
            read: {
                url: <SERVER_URL>,
                type: "POST",
                headers: {
                    'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
                data: gridData,
                dataType: "json"
        schema: {
            aggregates: serverAggregateConf,
            model: modelConf,
            parse: function (response) {
                //schema response structure
            total: function (count) {
                // custom total page counter
        error: function (response) {
        serverPaging: serverpgination,
        pageSize: defaultPageSize,
        aggregate: aggregateConf,
        serverAggregates: typeof (serverAggregateConf) == 'undefined' ? false : true
    dataBound: function (e) {
        //UI manipulations logic
    scrollable: true,
    change: function (e) {
        //setting heights as per UI
    dataBinding: function () {
        srno = ( - 1) * this.dataSource.pageSize();
    noRecords: {
        //custom message if no message
    height: 800,
    groupable: groupableConf,
    sortable: sortableConf,
    columnMenu: columnMenuConf,
    resizable: resizableConf,
    pageable: pagingConf,
    filterable: filterConf,
    columns: gridColumns,
    excelExport: excelConf,
    excel: {
        allPages: true

Telerik team
commented on 28 May 2024, 05:20 AM

Hi Abhijeet,

I already replied to this posted in another forum thread:

I suggest we keep the communication there and not spoil with multiple threads.



No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

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