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Filters for HTTP Request Recording

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Stan asked on 30 Mar 2017, 06:15 PM


We would like to test our web application as if it were an API. When we record, we would like to filter out all unnecessary requests, but I can't find a way to do all of what I need. Is there any filtering available besides the filtering in the column headers?

We want to filter out rows based on more than two criteria (need to reject .js, .css, urls containing signalr or websockets, and so on). In addition, it would be nice if these filters could be set as a default.

Is there anything available to help with this?


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Telerik team
answered on 04 Apr 2017, 02:51 PM
Hi Stan,

Thanks for your interest in Telerik Test Studio for APIs. 

While investigating the described scenario I noticed we have missed to include filtering for the last column in a recorded session. Therefore I submitted a bug report on your behalf to our public feedback portal - here you could follow its progress and comment if required. Once the bug is fixed the item will be updated accordingly. 

Apart from that currently the available filtering is in the column headers as you have noticed already. You probably have noticed that you could apply two criteria for each column. There is no such functionality to save a filtering selection as a default one. 

I hope this would answer your query. However in case you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us again! Thank you! 

Elena Tsvetkova
Telerik by Progress
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answered on 04 Apr 2017, 04:38 PM

Hi Elena,

Once again, thanks for the reply.

In my opinion, the ideal solution to this problem would be to completely separate the request filtering from the column filtering. In other words, the requests should appear based on (currently non-existent) 'input filters', which could have any number of filter conditions added, and a capability to be set as the default filters. The grid column filters would apply only to rows that actually appear in the grid (the requests that pass the input filters).

Since that won't happen in the short term, there are a couple of things that would help a little with the current approach. The first one is the addition of a 'Does not end with' filter option. The second thing would be to allow the use of a token to separate multiple values for the criteria. In other words, I could say 'Ends with', and have the value be a string like ".css:.js:.ico" (that's hard to see here - it's a semi-colon separated list of file extensions) The code could then operate on each value in the list.

Thanks again,



Telerik team
answered on 07 Apr 2017, 11:38 AM
Hi Stan,

Thank you for your understanding! 

I used your recommendations and submitted a feedback as a feature request to my engineering team. Here you could follow its progress, comment it, vote, etc. It will be reviewed and discussed further. Once there is any progress on the main feature or the proposed workarounds the item will be updated accordingly. 

I really appreciate your cooperation and effort. Thanks!

Elena Tsvetkova
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