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Getting TimedOut Exception while creating MockingContainer

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Roshan asked on 24 May 2019, 05:19 AM
Instance creation timed out and aborted 

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answered on 24 May 2019, 05:23 AM
Please find attached screenshot
Lyubomir Rusev
Telerik team
answered on 28 May 2019, 07:55 AM
Hello Roshan,

I have tried to reproduce the issue on our side and came up with the following test scenario:

public interface IDependency
    void DoWork();
public class SUT
    private readonly IDependency dep;
    public SUT(IDependency d)
        this.dep = d;
public void TestMockingContainer()
    var container = new MockingContainer<SUT>();

If I place a breakpoint on Mock.Assert(true) I receive the following error:
To prevent an unsafe abort when evaluating the function 'Telerik.JustMock.AutoMock.MockingContainer<T>.Instance.get' all threads were allowed to run. This may have changed the state of the process and any breakpoints encountered have been skipped.

Can you confirm that the above snippet is identical to your test scenario so we can determine if we're dealing with the same issue. Please provide us with more details about your use-case if I'm missing something.

Looking forward for your feedback.

Lyubomir Rusev
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Lyubomir Rusev
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