Integrate default value in telerik multiselect instead of blank values

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Anup asked on 22 Feb 2024, 09:40 AM | edited on 22 Feb 2024, 09:41 AM

I have implemented searching, multiselect using telerik multiselect for multiple values. And relationship between multiselect is maintained between multiple multiselect. Also, i have used getter setter to set "All" option when there is no value selected. While Searching, i have implemented an api call and get the desired output.

Issue: Whenever I select a value from multiselect and search for other value and immediately remove the values using backspace, blank is shown in the respective multiselect. But when i click outside "All" is retained in the multiselect.

I have managed to retrieve the search text from MultiSelectReadEventArgs args using OnRead, as shown below:

"dynamic item = args.Request.Filters.FirstOrDefault();
var searchText = (string)item.Value; "

Expected Result : Whenever I select a value from multiselect and search for other value and immediately remove the selected values and text using backspace, "All" should be shown in the respective multiselect. But when i click outside "All" is retained in the multiselect. Is there anyway that I could achieve it?

Here is an example of Getter setter implementation as :

@page "/multiselect/overview"

    <TelerikMultiSelect Data="@Hobbies"
                        Placeholder="Select your favourite sport..."
                        Id="products-multiselect" Width="100%">

@code {
    public List<int> SelectedHobbyIds { get{return SelectedHobbyIds;}
                        set {
                                // if nothing and 'All' option should be selected 
                                if (value.Count == 0 || (value.Any(x => x == 0) && !SelectedHobbyIds.Any(x => x == 0)))
                                    SelectedHobbyIds = new List<int>() { 0 };
                                    // if other option selected then remove 'All' option
                                    if (value.Count() > 1 && value.Any(x => x == 0))
                                        SelectedHobbyIds = value.Where(x => x != 0).ToList();
                                        SelectedHobbyIds = value;


    public IEnumerable<HobbiesDto> Hobbies { get; set; } = new List<HobbiesDto>()
        new HobbiesDto(0,"All"),
        new HobbiesDto(1, "Basketball"),
        new HobbiesDto(2, "Golf"),
        new HobbiesDto(3, "Baseball"),
        new HobbiesDto(4, "Table Tennis"),
        new HobbiesDto(5, "Volleyball"),
        new HobbiesDto(6, "Football"),
        new HobbiesDto(7, "Boxing"),
        new HobbiesDto(8, "Badminton"),
        new HobbiesDto(9, "Cycling"),
        new HobbiesDto(10, "Gymnastics"),
        new HobbiesDto(11, "Swimming"),
        new HobbiesDto(12, "Wrestling"),
        new HobbiesDto(13, "Snooker"),
        new HobbiesDto(14, "Skiing"),
        new HobbiesDto(15, "Handball"),

    public class HobbiesDto
        public int HobbyId { get; set; }
        public string HobbyName { get; set; }

        public HobbiesDto() { }

        public HobbiesDto(int id, string name)
            HobbyId = id;
            HobbyName = name;

this is my hobbiestemplate.razor page

<div class="demo-wrapper k-d-grid k-gap-8 k-flex-1 k-px-8 k-pt-7">
    <div data-role="skeletoncontainer" class="side-container k-skeleton k-opacity-20 !k-d-flex k-flex-col k-align-items-center k-px-5 k-pt-7.5 k-rounded-tl-md k-rounded-tr-md" aria-live="polite" aria-label="Loading...">
        <span class="k-skeleton k-opacity-80 k-skeleton-circle k-w-18 k-h-18 k-mb-5"></span>

        <div class="k-d-flex k-flex-col k-align-items-center k-gap-1">
            <span class="k-skeleton k-w-24 k-h-4 k-rounded-md"></span>
            <span class="k-skeleton k-opacity-80 k-w-14 k-h-2.5 k-rounded-md"></span>

        <div class="k-d-flex k-flex-col k-w-full k-mt-13 k-gap-4">
            <div class="k-skeleton k-opacity-80 k-rounded-md k-h-2.5"></div>
            <div class="k-skeleton k-opacity-80 k-rounded-md k-h-2.5"></div>
            <div class="k-skeleton k-opacity-80 k-rounded-md k-h-2.5"></div>


    <div class="main-container k-pb-8 k-d-flex k-flex-col">
        <div class="k-d-flex k-gap-3 k-align-items-center k-mb-5">
            <span class="avatar !k-d-none k-skeleton k-opacity-30 k-skeleton-circle k-w-12 k-h-12"></span>
            <h4 class="k-h4 k-opacity-20 k-font-bold">Hobbies</h4>
        <span class="k-d-inline-block">Favourite sport</span>
        <span class="hint k-font-size-sm k-font-italic k-mt-1.5">Add your favourite sport, if it is not in the list.</span>

        <div class="k-d-flex k-flex-col k-gap-1 k-mt-5">
            <span class="k-skeleton k-opacity-40 k-rounded-md k-w-24 k-px-3 k-h-4"></span>
            <span class="k-skeleton k-opacity-30 k-rounded-md k-h-8"></span>

        <div class="k-d-flex k-flex-col k-grow k-gap-1 k-mt-5">
            <span class="k-skeleton k-opacity-40 k-rounded-md k-w-24 k-px-3 k-h-4"></span>
            <span class="content-expanded k-grow k-skeleton k-opacity-30 k-rounded-md k-h-14"></span>

@code {
    public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; }



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answered on 25 Jun 2024, 04:18 AM | edited on 26 Jun 2024, 03:21 AM

I think the issue lies in the logic of handling the backspace key event in the multiselect component. To achieve the desired behavior of displaying "All" when all selected values are removed via backspace, you can modify the logic of the SelectedHobbyIds setter.

Here's an updated version of the setter logic that should address the issue:

public List<int> SelectedHobbyIds
    get { return selectedHobbyIds; }
        if (value.Count == 0)
            // If all values are removed, set "All" as the selected option
            selectedHobbyIds = new List<int> { 0 };
        else if (value.Contains(0) && value.Count > 1)
            // Remove "All" if other options are selected
            selectedHobbyIds = value.Where(id => id != 0).ToList();
            selectedHobbyIds = value;
merge fruit

In this updated logic, if the SelectedHobbyIds list becomes empty, the setter sets it to contain only the "All" option with ID 0. When the "All" option is selected and other options are selected as well, the setter removes the "All" option from the list, leaving only the selected options.

Make sure to replace the existing SelectedHobbyIds property with this updated version in your code.

By modifying the setter logic in this way, the multiselect component should display "All" when all selected values are removed, whether by backspacing or clicking outside the dropdown.
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