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Is JustMock Debug View only supported in MSTest?

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Greg asked on 25 Sep 2018, 04:30 PM

Just need some clarification...

I am trying to use JustMock Debug View and it is not working. I am using NUnit. However, all of the examples online are using MSTest framework, so I am wondering if maybe the debug view is only supported in MSTest. The documentation does say that it only works with the [TestMethod] attribute. If that attribute is the trigger, then it seems reasonable that it may not work with [TestFixture] or [Test] attributes from Nunit.   

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Telerik team
answered on 27 Sep 2018, 10:23 AM
Hello Greg,

The used testing framework does not influence the functionality provided by the DebugView. I have also tested your scenario by using NUnit and it works as expected. Please check the attached screenshot.

To further understand what is causing the problem could you provide more information Like:
1. How you enable the DebugView tracing? 
2. What is your experience as a result of not working DebugView? Screenshots are highly appreciated. 
Any additional information you think could help us reproduce the issue is welcome. 

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answered on 27 Sep 2018, 03:47 PM

What I am doing is very similar to your screen shot. I have a NUnit test and I set a breakpoint in the test and execute debug. When it execution stops on the breakpoint, I open the watch window and type DebugView in the first column. The type ahead finds the telerik debug view namespace and I select it. But the value column displays an error. I leave it up and debug through each line of the unit tests and the watch value never changes. 

Here's the code for my unit test. I also have an issue with the line 102... Mock.Arrange(() => database.Execute(null)).IgnoreInstance().MustBeCalled(); not working. So that might be related.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Web.Http.Results;
using DHI.Common.Data.Cqrs;
using DHI.SSNSearch.API;
using DHI.SSNSearch.Data.Access;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Telerik.JustMock;
using Assert = NUnit.Framework.Assert;
namespace DHI.SsnSearch.Testing.UnitTests
    [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming")]
    public class SsnSearchControllerUnitTests
        private const string Ssn = "000-11-1111";
        private const string LnKey = "001120210";
        private static SsnSearchController _sut;
        private static IDatabase database;
        public class SsnSearchControllerBaseTests
            public void SsnSearchController_ConstructorShouldNotErr()
            public void SsnSearchController_DatabaseExecuteCalledWithoutErring()
        public sealed class SsnSearchController_Constructor_Tests : SsnSearchControllerBaseTests
            public SsnSearchController_Constructor_Tests()
                var database = Mock.Create<Database>();
                _sut = new SsnSearchController(database);
                Mock.Arrange(() => new SsnSearchController(database));
        public sealed class SsnSearch_GetLoansBySsn_Tests : SsnSearchControllerBaseTests
            private readonly OkNegotiatedContentResult<IEnumerable<SsnSearchResult>> _result;
            public SsnSearch_GetLoansBySsn_Tests()
                database = Mock.Create<Database>();
                Mock.Arrange(() => database.Execute(new GetLoansBySsn(Ssn)));
                _sut = Mock.Create<SsnSearchController>(database);
                Mock.Arrange(() => _sut.GetLoansBySsn(Ssn));
                var response = _sut.GetLoansBySsn(Ssn);
                _result = response as OkNegotiatedContentResult<IEnumerable<SsnSearchResult>>;
            public void SsnSearch_GetLoansBySsnMustBeCalled()
                Mock.Assert(() => _sut.GetLoansBySsn(Ssn), Occurs.Once());
            //public void SsnSearch_DatabaseExecuteMustBeCalled()
            //    Mock.Assert(() => database.Execute(new GetLoansBySsn(Ssn)), Occurs.Once());
            public void SsnSearchController_ResultShouldBeNull()
        public sealed class SsnSearch_GetLoansByLnKey_Tests : SsnSearchControllerBaseTests
            private readonly OkNegotiatedContentResult<IEnumerable<SsnSearchResult>> _result;
            public SsnSearch_GetLoansByLnKey_Tests()
                database = Mock.Create<Database>();
                _sut = new SsnSearchController(database);
                Mock.Arrange(() => _sut.GetLoansByLnKey(LnKey)).IgnoreInstance().MustBeCalled();
                Mock.Arrange(() => database.Execute(null)).IgnoreInstance().MustBeCalled();
                var response = _sut.GetLoansByLnKey(LnKey);
                _result = response as OkNegotiatedContentResult<IEnumerable<SsnSearchResult>>;
            public void SsnSearch_GetLoansByLnKey_ResultShouldBeNull()
Telerik team
answered on 28 Sep 2018, 08:21 AM
Hi Jon,

This is indeed a very strange behavior because when you access a property of the DebugView it is shown as expected. This can be seen from the screenshot in my previous post where I have added DebugView.CurrentState to the Watch window.
I have also tested with a simple static class defined in the test class and the result is the same.
public static class Foo
    public static bool IsEnabled { get; set; }
The result is "error CS0119: 'UnitTest.Foo' is a type, which is not valid in the given context".

My guess is that this is a problem of how Visual Studio handles static types in the Watch window.

Regarding the problem you mentioned on line 102, could you open a support ticket with more details on what exactly is not working?

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