Is There Any Plan for a "Kendo UI for Web Components"

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Andrew asked on 09 May 2024, 05:44 PM
I know there is already Kendo UI for jQuery—a platform-agnostic solution—but it would be nice to have a UI Kit that uses Web Components (web primitive) for componentization. Is there any intent to create a Web Component flavor?
Telerik team
commented on 13 May 2024, 07:18 AM

Hello Andrew,


Thanks so much for writing to us. Although we don’t have UI suite that uses Web Components just yet, we’re currently evaluating the need to build it. It would be extremely helpful to us to better understand where your need comes from, what is it you’re building, what is your timeline and why this is the way you want to go?


Appreciate if you can take 20-30 min of your time to chat. You can book a time that works for you here. Let me know if you don’t find slot that works for you.



Toni, PM

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commented on 28 May 2024, 03:22 PM

Hi Toni.

Sorry for not responding or booking a time. The link for booking is invalid, again, probably due to me waiting so long to reply. I would love to chat about my needs if you could resend/relink.

Quick answer: We have many products using many different tech stacks, so we would love a platform-agnostic solution.

No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

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