Issue with ASP.NET Core Upload Asynchronous Upload - Save-Url doesnt see handler on code [Code Behind] ( iam using Razor page)

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Asif asked on 10 Jan 2024, 05:35 AM

Razor code-behind method: I made the razor method as simple as possible, just to see if we could get in there / or hit onpostUploadFile
        public async Task<ActionResult> OnPostUploadFile(IEnumerable<IFormFile> files, string metaData)
            AllowedExtensions = new string[] { "fpd", "pdf" };

            return Page();

Razor page :

@addTagHelper *, Kendo.Mvc
    <div class="demo-section">
        <kendo-upload name="files">
            <async auto-upload="true" save-url="@Url.Action("Upload","UploadFile")" chunk-size="11000" />
            <validation max-file-size="20000000" />

The issue is i am not able to hit the hander from the razor page when i pass the url to <async save-url="">, Despite many efforts, the handler specified in the save-url attribute doesn't seem to be hit and returns 404.

Not Working: 

1. save-url: "/Upload/UploadFile",

2. save-url="./Upload?handler=UploadFile"

I also found Forum where it discussed the same problem but that didn't help us :


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answered on 17 Jan 2024, 12:04 PM

Hello Asif,

Since we discussed the issue in a support ticket, I will post the same answer here in case someone else has the same question:

When using Razor Pages, the correct way to specify the Upload Save Action is to use the @Url.Page() method, as per the example below:

<kendo-upload name="files">
    <async auto-upload="true" save-url="@Url.Page("Index","Upload")"  chunk-size="11000" />
    <validation max-file-size="20000000" />

//Page Model
public async Task<ActionResult> OnPostUpload(IEnumerable<IFormFile> files, string metaData)

Alternatively, you can set the "save-url" as follows:

<kendo-upload name="files">
    <async auto-upload="true" save-url="/Index?handler=Upload"  chunk-size="11000" />
    <validation max-file-size="20000000" />

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