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Issue with Telerik version 2013.1.403.40

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Sumit asked on 15 Mar 2016, 03:27 PM

Earlier I was using the telerik.web.ui.dll with version 2009.2.826.35,after that i upgraded my dll with version 2013.1.403.40.The issue i am facing is with Telerik RadDatePicker. In the previous version i select the date from the calender and that comes under the "SelectedDate" property.After this i was doing _dopostback event in the .net and after postback i was getting the same value in the "SelectedDate" property.

But with the Version 2013.1.403.40,after "_dopostback" event the "SelectedDate" is coming as null and the entered Date is coming under the property "InvalidTextBoxValue".

My code is like :

The Calender Control :

 <telerik:RadDatePicker ID="cldDueDate" DateInput-TabIndex="6" DateInput-DateFormat="MM/dd/yyyy" 
DateInput-EmptyMessage="MM/DD/YYYY" CssClass="RegularText" Width="110px" runat="server">


function ValidateReleaseTransaction(vDate) {
     if (confirm(' Please check the date ' + vDate + ' Do You Want to Proceed?'))
        __doPostBack('lnkReleaseTransaction', '');

 protected void lnkReleaseTransaction_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
           string DUEDATE = cldDueDate.SelectedDate == null ? cldDueDate.DateInput.Text.Trim() :               Convert.ToDateTime(cldDueDate.SelectedDate).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
        catch (Exception ex)
        { JSMessage(ex.Message); }




I am using the UpdatePanel


that after the _dopostback event of .net the selectedValue of RadDatePicker

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Telerik team
answered on 16 Mar 2016, 01:39 PM

I would recommend you replace the __doPostBack method with ajaxRequestWithTarget() method of RadAjax and see it it works as expected:

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