Missing interop type marshalling data

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Tyler asked on 05 May 2023, 08:39 PM

Multiple users have generated a crash log via AppCenter that suggests I have some sort of Telerik error, but I haven't been able to duplicate it myself. Here's the error.

ComCallHelpers.Call (__ComObject, RuntimeTypeHandle, Int32, Void*)

EETypeRva:0x00067310(System.Runtime.InteropServices.MissingInteropDataException): System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer] is missing interop type marshalling data. To enable interop type marshalling data, add a MarshalObject directive to the application rd.xml file. For more information, please visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=393965


Here's the stack trace

  • System.Runtime.InteropServices
    __interface_ccw.Allocate (ComCallableObject, RuntimeTypeHandle)
  • SharedLibrary!<BaseAddress>+0x6f7813
  • System.Runtime.InteropServices
    CCWLookupMap.GetOrCreateCCW (Object, RuntimeTypeHandle, IntPtr&)
  • SharedLibrary!<BaseAddress>+0x6f769f
  • SharedLibrary!<BaseAddress>+0x6f7667
  • SharedLibrary!<BaseAddress>+0x6f75eb

  • __Interop
    ComCallHelpers.Call (__ComObject, RuntimeTypeHandle, Int32, Void*)
  • __Interop.ForwardComStubs.Stub_3[TThis, TResult](__ComObject, Int32) + 0x2c
  • Telerik.UI.Automation.Peers
    DataGridCellsPanelAutomationPeer.GetChildrenCore ()
  • Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.global::Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers
    IAutomationPeerOverrides.GetChildrenCore ()

  • __Interop
    ComCallHelpers.Call (__ComObject, RuntimeTypeHandle, Int32, Void*)
  • __Interop.ForwardComStubs.Stub_3[TThis, TResult](__ComObject, Int32) + 0x2c
  • Telerik.UI.Automation.Peers
    RadDataGridAutomationPeer.GetChildrenCore ()
  • Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.global::Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers
    IAutomationPeerOverrides.GetChildrenCore ()

  • __Interop
    ComCallHelpers.Call (__ComObject, RuntimeTypeHandle, Int32, Void*)
  • __Interop.ForwardComStubs.Stub_3[TThis, TResult](__ComObject, Int32) + 0x2c

  • Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid.SelectionService
    <RaiseAutomationSelection>d__43.MoveNext ()
  • System.Runtime.ExceptionServices
    ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw ()

  • Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid.SelectionService
    <Select>d__13.MoveNext ()
  • System.Runtime.ExceptionServices
    ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw ()

  • __Interop
    ComCallHelpers.Call (__ComObject, RuntimeTypeHandle, Int32)
  • __Interop
    ForwardComStubs.Stub_22[TThis] (__ComObject, Int32)
  • Microsoft.AppCenter.Utils
    ApplicationLifecycleHelper.<ctor>b__17_1 (Object, UnhandledErrorDetectedEventArgs)


Does anyone have any thoughts about what this might be related to? Thanks!

Telerik team
commented on 09 May 2023, 12:32 PM

I couldn't find a similar issue reported before. I have searched in tickets and forum threads and such exception wasn't reported. 

I am not sure why the crash happens. I will need a sample repro for further investigating the behavior. 

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commented on 09 May 2023, 01:47 PM

Hi Didi. Thanks for the response! Unfortunately I've never been able to reproduce this error myself. I've only seen it in the crash logs, maybe happening once or twice per week for a while now. If I'm able to collect any more information or figure out how to reproduce it, I'll post back here.

No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

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