Multiselect not working in After updating progress-telerik-reporting to r3-2022-sp1-16-2-22-1109

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Krunal asked on 04 Jan 2024, 07:16 AM

Our multiselect widget in all Telerik reports stopped working after we updated following packages


                1] Telerik.Reporting : ->
                2] Telerik.Reporting.OpenXmlRendering : ->
                3] Telerik.Reporting.Services.AspNetCore : ->

UI :

                 1] Telerik.UI.for.AspNet.Core : 2021.1.119 -> 2022.3.1109

We have migrated our reports to the new schema version as suggested ( we have tried creating fresh report with the newer schema version in Telerik report designer.

Issue :

After updating in all our Telerik reports with multi select widget when we try to select the available options by selecting them, they get selected (Background of options turns blue) but the validation message for the widget still indicates no options has been selected, and the report preview button doesn't get unlocked indicating that it's expecting some option to be selected.

The only way to get it working is to use the buttons above the widget for "select-all", and the button for "clear-selection" also seems to be working, but that is not feasible at all for our use case. It renders the purpose of multi-select tool completely useless.

Telerik team
commented on 08 Jan 2024, 03:13 PM

Hello Krunal,

Thank you for the attached screenshots!

The first thing that I would like you to check is whether the browser is not loading an older cached version of the Telerik Report Viewer JS resource. The easiest way to test that would be to load the same page in an incognito window since it should now try to retrieve the latest JS from the reporting service. Alternatively, you may perform a hard refresh(CTR + F5) on the page.

The next thing that you need to check for is whether the loaded Kendo theme is a supported version. If the theme is the same version as the Telerik.UI.for.AspNet.Core package, then it should be compatible with the viewer but if not, please keep in mind that the minimum version of Kendo that the report viewer supports is Kendo UI R3 2022 (version 2022.3.913) - Kendo UI for jQuery Release History | Telerik.

You may also check out the Manual Setup of the HTML5 Report Viewer - Telerik Reporting article to ensure that the viewer is correctly set up.

If none of the above helps, please try updating to the latest version of Telerik Reporting and see if you can still reproduce the problem - Telerik Reporting - Progress® Telerik® Reporting R3 2023 SP1 ( I was unable to reproduce it on my end.

If further assistance is needed, please let me know which Kendo theme you are using and send me a copy of the page with the report viewer so that I can see what kendo is being loaded. If possible, include a sample project with the problem so that I can debug it locally or steps for reproducing it.

I will be looking forward to receiving an update from you.


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