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Null exception from mocking Linq to sql

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Brad asked on 01 Mar 2020, 04:04 AM

hi mate, I was wondering if it is possible to mock the following case.


from school in dbContext.Schools

join student in dbContext.Students

   on equals student.schoolId into students

let firstStudent = students.FirstOrDefault()

select firstStudent.Name;


When all the tables are empty and there is no school and no student in the tables, a real sql execution just returns an empty object of IEnuemrable<string> type. If I mock 'dbContext.Schools' and 'dbContext.Students', 'firstStudent.Name' throws a null exception because 'firstStudent' is null.

Is there a way to conditionally mock only in this context of linq to sql so that we can bypass the null exception and get the mocked execution to run smoothly?

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answered on 01 Mar 2020, 09:46 PM
correction: 'When all the tables are empty and there is no school and no student in the tables' => 'When there is ONE school and no student in the tables'
Telerik team
answered on 04 Mar 2020, 09:12 AM

Hello Brad,

Could you put more details about what exactly is the use case and what you are trying to achieve, I am afraid that it is not clear enough based on the brief description. I would like to ask you to prepare a sample unit test project that reflects all these things. This would help us to understand better your scenario and greatly improve the investigation process.

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