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Profiler error when running from powershell

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Steve asked on 10 Jan 2018, 01:08 AM


I'm trying to write a powershell script to run my tests, create code coverage using OpenCover and then generate a report using ReportGenerator.  However I'm running into the Profiler error:

The profiler must be enabled to mock, arrange or execute the specified target.
Detected active third-party profilers:
*  (from process environment)


This only happens when run from the powershell, if I run it from command line the tests run fine.  The command I am using is:

packages\OpenCover.4.6.519\tools\OpenCover.Console.exe -mergebyhash -target:"%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\vstest.console.exe" -targetargs:"JustMockUnitTests\bin\x64\Debug\JustMockUnitTests.dll /InIsolation /platform:x64 /logger:trx /Parallel" -output:"OpenCover.xml"


Any thoughts would be much appreciated.




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answered on 12 Jan 2018, 03:43 PM
Hello Steve,

Thank you for contacting us.

You can use the JustMockRunner.exe executable to wrap your process in order to be able to execute mocked tests with the console. Here is a help article explaining how this should be done from Command Prompt, but the concept is the same for PowerShell as well.

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answered on 18 Jan 2018, 04:42 PM

Thanks Mihail!

I was able to continue using my command by adding calls to set the environment variables mentioned in the link you provided.  I updated my powershell script to set those variables and then my call was successful.

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