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RadPane IsHidden = false causes IsActive = true

3 Answers 186 Views
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B asked on 18 Mar 2015, 09:23 AM
When I set RadPane.IsHidden to false this causes RadPane.IsActive to become true

Luckily when I use Visibility instead of IsHidden that works, but is that an accident?

I was asuming IsHidden and Visibility would be linked together not IsHidden and IsActive?



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Telerik team
answered on 20 Mar 2015, 09:47 AM
Hi Bayram,

Thank you for contacting us.

By design in the RadDocking control when a RadPane instance is shown after being hidden it is made selected in its RadPaneGroup instance. If that group is the active group in the control (one of its RadPane instances is the ActivePane) the newly shown pane will be made active also and its IsActive/IsSelected properties will be set to true.

As we see that having a option to disable this built-in functionality would be beneficial to the RadDocking control we logged it as a feature request in or feedback portal. You can vote for it and track its status here.

I updated your Telerik points for bringing this to our attention. If we can be of any further assistance do not hesitate to contact us again.


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answered on 09 Dec 2019, 01:18 PM
Hi, is there a suggested workaround for this behavior? Or requirement is that in currently active pane group, depending on some rules/actions in active pane, we wanna show additional panel (currently we do by setting IsHidden = false), but we don't wanna the newly added panel to become active. Is that possible somehow?
Dinko | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
answered on 12 Dec 2019, 08:04 AM

Hi Martin,

What you could try is to set the SelectedIndex property of the RadPaneGroup to -1. Basically, the RadPaneGroup is RadTabControl. To remove the selection you can set the mentioned property to -1. Check the attached project and let me know if it works for you.

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Dinko | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
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