Scheduler example with web service filtering

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Data Source Scheduler
FIMS Computing Services FIMS - UWO
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FIMS Computing Services FIMS - UWO asked on 30 Apr 2024, 08:22 PM


Is there an example of a scheduler consuming a web service for meetings that doesn't expect all meetings to be returned.

I am migrating from a server side based application that used ASP.NET AJAX and that version of the scheduler required you to implement a provider that implemented a GetAppointments( RadScheduler owner ) where the owner object had the start and end dates of the visibile scheduler.

I would like to run a client side page with a Kendo UI for jQuery scheduler and then perform a web service call equivalent to the above GetAppointments. But all the examples I have found return all meetings which is not possible since we are reading from a database with many years of meetings.

The documentation 

 read: {
    dataType: "jsonp"

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Telerik team
answered on 03 May 2024, 12:56 PM | edited on 03 May 2024, 12:56 PM

Hi Charlotte,

Below I am posting resources on server operation through the Scheduler:

Please note some resources concern the Kendo UI for MVC Scheduler but since MVC components are wrappers of the jQuery ones the implementations are valid for jQuery Scheduler.

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FIMS Computing Services FIMS - UWO
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commented on 03 May 2024, 01:12 PM

Hi Nikolay,

Thanks so much for this.

This article was exactly what I was looking for.


Telerik team
commented on 08 May 2024, 08:56 AM

Hi Charlotte,

You are most welcome. I am happy to hear what I shared is helping you move forwards.




Data Source Scheduler
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FIMS Computing Services FIMS - UWO
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Rank 1
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Telerik team
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