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SharePoint Silverlight Could not load file or assembly Telerik.Windows.Controls

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Marcel asked on 17 Sep 2020, 06:32 PM


I am maintaining some legacy code that runs Silverlight controls, deployed in a SharePoint 2013 web part.

I installed the latest version of 'Telerik UI for Silverlight'. I opened the project and notice that the Telerik references in my Silverlight project have successfully updated to the new version and the designers work fine.

The visual studio projects compile and deploy successfully, but when I go to the SharePoint page, I don't see the controls (in IE which is required for Silverlight).

When I debug the Silverlight code I get message: 

Could not load file or assembly 'Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=2020.3.915.1050, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7' or one of its dependencies. The requested assembly version conflicts with what is already bound in the app domain or specified in the manifest. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131053).

What should I do to allow SharePoint to find these DLLs? I looked at the prod installation and none of the silverlight dlls (such as Telerik.Windows.Controls) were in the GAC and the application worked fine.

I appreciate any help you can offer.

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