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UI for Silverlight Forum
8 answers

I am not able to make a RadPaneGroup Visibility = Collapsed.  (see xaml).  I dont get a compile error but the pane does not get hidden.  I also tried IsHidden = true.  Is there a way to do this?


                   <telerik:RadSplitContainer Orientation="Vertical">
                       <telerik:RadPaneGroup Name="myGroup"  AllowDragReorder="False"
                                         telerik:ProportionalStackPanel.RelativeSize="300, 200"
                       <telerik:RadPaneGroup  telerik:ProportionalStackPanel.RelativeSize="300, 200"
                           <telerik:RadPane   Header="Column Selection"
                                              Content="Column selection go here." />
Vladimir Stoyanov
Telerik team
 answered on 10 Jan 2019
1 answer

hi all, 


how can i show text just above the line series in a RadCartesianChart?


                                <telerik:LineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding CurrentChartData.PassingScoreLine}"




Dinko | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
 answered on 09 Jan 2019
5 answers
I am dynamically adding and removing Datapoints every half a second to several areaseries. What I am doing is similar to the telerik social site live data example execpt I have around 60 series in the chart and I am using an areaseries that is in stack100 mode. After about 20 secs after start time the app begins to lag. I have identified the lag to being caused by adding new datapoints. (No lag is caused by starting of with several thousand datapoint and the lag only starts once new datapoints are added). What might the lag be caused by and is there anything that I can to about it?

Also when I add a new areaseries to the chart after some time I sometimes get a NullReferenceException at Telerik.Charting.DataPoint.Measure() and I can' t figure out why. What might cause this?
Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 26 Dec 2018
6 answers
Hey guys,

I have GridViewImageColumn and when I filter it, the filter lists the images by their location (i.e: images/image.png). How do I make it so when filtering a image column, instead of listing the location it lists the images themselves?

Thanks a lot.
Telerik team
 answered on 25 Dec 2018
1 answer


in the logfiles of only one customer we find very often this exception:


Debuggingressourcen-Zeichenfolgen sind nicht verfügbar. Oft enthalten der Schlüssel und die Argumente genügend Informationen zur Diagnose des Problems. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter
   bei Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadUpload.<EnumerateDropFilters>d__c.MoveNext()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadUpload.ApplyDropFilter(FileInfo entity)
   bei Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadUpload.GaterDroppedFiles(FileInfo[] files)
   bei Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadUpload.ProcessDroppedData(DragEventArgs e)
   bei Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadUpload.OnDrop(DragEventArgs e)
   bei System.Windows.Controls.Control.OnDrop(Control ctrl, EventArgs e)
   bei MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(IntPtr unmanagedObj, IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs, Int32 argsTypeIndex, Int32 actualArgsTypeIndex, String eventName, UInt32 flags)

Why does this happen (rights problem?, something goes wrong with drag/drop?, some encoding problem?, too long paths?).

We can only find it in the logfile from one customer, at the others, it works fine.

What can it be?





Vladimir Stoyanov
Telerik team
 answered on 21 Dec 2018
6 answers
Do you have any examples of loading nodes on demand with the Diagram OrgChart example?  What I would like to do is only show the first level on initial load of the XML data source and be able to expand nodes to show their children.  Thanks.
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Rank 1
 answered on 19 Dec 2018
10 answers
Hi, I saw this thread in WPF forum, I have the same problem with RadTreeListView in Silverlight.

"Hi. I'm generating a RadTreeView and its items through Silverlight data binding using a HierarchicalDataTemplate. So when I add a new item to the collection the RadTreeView is looking at, and I set the selected item to that newly added object, I try to get the selected container, but it's null. This is my code:

private void OnAddFolderClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
            IFolderContainer container = (sender as MenuItem).DataContext as IFolderContainer ?? null

            Folder folder = new Folder() { Name = "Folder" }; 
            treeViewExplorer.SelectedItem = folder; 
            folder.IsNodeInEditMode = true
            RadTreeViewItem selectedItem = treeViewExplorer.SelectedContainer; // this is null even though I set the SelectedItem = folder

What I want to do is to set focus on it, so if the user clicks F2 right away after creating it, it can go into edit mode, right now the object looks selected, but hitting F2 doesn't do anything unless deselect it, and select it again."

Here is your suggestions:

"The problem is that when you want to get the SelectedContainer the container is still not generated, because of the async nature of process when you add new item.

You need to put the code for getting the selected container in a 
Dispatcher call, so that the container is already generated when you try to get it."

I have tried to put my BeginEdit in a Dispatcher call, but the container is still null. SelectedItem is bound to an object in my ViewModel which is not null.   

private void NewValueAdded(object sender, EventArgs e)  


Vladimir Stoyanov
Telerik team
 answered on 18 Dec 2018
7 answers

I have an ObservableCollection of appointments. When you add or remove an appointment in code behind, the UI is changed, but when I change a property for the appointment nothing happens. I want to change the start / end date for some appointments in code behind, but when I do this, I can't see the changes directly on the screen. Is this normal behaviour or am I doing something wrong?

Best regards,
Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 14 Dec 2018
8 answers


I am using the RadGridView, and I need to subscribe to cell edit event of RADGrid. I get this event for every default cell however I am facing issue when I apply custom template to Combobox column. 

I have two columns, viz. GridViewDataColumn and GridViewComboBoxColumn. I am applying custom CellTemplate to GridViewComboBoxColumn  to have the default edit behaviour, but the grid cell edit event is not firing when I change the item in the combobox. I suspect this might be because I have overriden cell template. Event fires up without any issue if I use default GridViewComboBoxColumn without applying custom template.

Reason for using custom template: On default view, I want to display arrow on cell when it combo box column. Default behavior of GridViewComboBoxColumn does not display arrow, it shows arrow when you click on cell, then cell turns into combo box.

Please let me know how can I get cell edit event on custom template that I have applied on GridViewComboBoxColumn.

<TelerikGridView:RadGridView  x:Name="PersonData" 
                                      SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedPersonItem, Mode=TwoWay}"   
                                      Width="Auto"  AutoGenerateColumns="False" 
                                      ItemsSource="{Binding Path=PersonCollection,Mode=TwoWay}"
                                <TelerikGridView:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Name, Mode=TwoWay}" Header="Sample Name" Width="*"/>
                               <TelerikGridView:GridViewComboBoxColumn Header="Department" Width="*"
                                                        ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Departments, Mode=TwoWay, Source={StaticResource PersonViewModel}}" 
                                                        DataMemberBinding="{Binding Path=DepartmentName, Mode=TwoWay}" 
                                    ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Departments, Mode=TwoWay, Source={StaticResource PersonViewModel}}"  
                                    SelectedValue="{Binding DepartmentName, Mode=TwoWay}" >

Rakesh K
Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
 answered on 14 Dec 2018
5 answers

I'm using your RadDataPager inside my custom control. I've created a class containing ItemsCount dependency property, that stores total items returned by service and I've bound it with RadDataPager.ItemCount property.

<telerik:RadDataPager x:Name="DataPager"
    DisplayMode="FirstLastPreviousNextNumeric, Text"
    ItemCount="{Binding ItemsCount, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}"
    PageSize="10" IsTotalItemCountFixed="True" />

It works well for first load, for instance if ItemsCount is 73 RadDataPager shows 8 pages. But when I've changed ItemsCount value to 6 the number of pages does not change.
I've used approach similar to ObjectDataSource in ASP.NET because query that returns items collection is quite heavy, so I've decided to make SQL paging using windowed query and count all items using other query. Could you help me to solve my problem? I'm using RadControls for Silverlight Q2 2010 SP1.

Best regards
Mirosław Piątkowski
Vladimir Stoyanov
Telerik team
 answered on 11 Dec 2018
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