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Telerik.CodeWeaver.Profiler.dll loaded into random process

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Ilya asked on 26 Oct 2018, 09:37 PM


Our Visual Studio and VSCde extension, VS Live Share, contains a private dotnet core executable, vsls-agent.exe. The extension spawns this process within Visual Studio and VSCode. We got some crash reports for it on Windows. We think the crashes happen due to dotnet core issue which in turn assumes an external profiler is to blame. I see that Telerik.CodeWeaver.Profiler.dll module is loaded in vsls-agent process in all of the crash dumps, which makes the assumption quite solid.

So the questions to the community and Telerik devs:

1. Why Telerik.CodeWeaver.Profiler.dll can be loaded into our process?

2. How can we prevent this from happening? 


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answered on 29 Oct 2018, 07:58 AM
Hello Ilya,

We are aware that JustMock profiler is attaching to the VS Live Share Process. This is happening because JustMock profiler is enabled in Visual Studio. Once the profiler is enabled it will attach himself to all child processes of Visual Studio and it seems Live Share is such a child process. We have this already logged into our feedback portal. Here is a link if you would like to subscribe for status updates: Don't block Visual Studio Live Share.

The good news is that there is a workaround which you can use until we release a fix. 
You should add the VS Live Share process name to our blacklist. To do so, you should edit the following two files:
<JustMock Install Dir>\Progress\Telerik JustMock\Libraries\CodeWeaver\32\ImageBlacklist.cfg and <JustMock Install Dir>\Progress\Telerik JustMock\Libraries\CodeWeaver\64\ImageBlacklist.cfg. 
Usually <JustMock Install Dir> is one on the following locations: %ProgramFiles(x86)% or %AppData% depending on the type of the installation - per machine or per user. 
The files can be modified in your favorite text editor by simply adding a new line containing the base file name of the process, in this case, it is vsls-agent, matching is case-insensitive. Then Visual Studio should be restarted.

I hope this information answers your question.

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