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Test with coverage hangs (both DotCover and VS CodeCoverage)

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Mats asked on 19 May 2019, 12:54 PM

I am trying out JustMock, so maybe I have made some beginners mistake. But I cannot get tests to run with coverage.

I am using: VS2019 16.0.4, Just Mock 2019.2.508.1 (in Trial mode), ReSharper / DotCover 2019.1.1. JustMock has been linked to both DotCover and VS2019 Code Coverage.

I normally run with the ReSharper test runner and use DotCover for coverage. That works OK for JustMock with the profiler disabled with or without coverage or with the profiler enabled but then only without code coverage.

DotCover "Cover all tests" hangs after the build with all unit tests shown as pending. VS GUI is responsive, about 5% CPU load, but nothing is happening.

I also tested the built in VS test runner and coverage measurement. Same picture test runs OK as long as you do not ask for coverage. Use "Analyze code coverage > All tests" in VS gives the same behavior as with the ReSharper / DotCover. 

Any suggestions?


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Telerik team
answered on 21 May 2019, 08:29 AM
Hello Mats,

I can confirm that there is a problem with the integration between JustMock and dotCover with the R2 2019 (2019.2.508.1) release. I have logged from your behalf a bug report into our feedback portal which you could follow for status updates.

I will schedule this item for our service pack expected next month.

In appreciation for your involvement I have updated your Telerik points.

Regarding the problem with VS Code Coverage, we are aware of this problem and it is already logged in our feedback portal. Here is a link if you would like to follow it and receive status updates: Code coverage not working with Visual Studio 2019. This issue is also scheduled for the upcoming service pack. 

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