Why is the EditContext.NotifyFieldChanged on the input base fired before the change has been applied?

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Form NumericTextBox
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Matt asked on 27 Jun 2024, 03:47 PM

I am trying to check some custom validation when a value is adjusted on a TelerikForm. And I am using
EditContext.OnFieldChanged += HandleFieldChanged;

But the value is still the old value,  it looks like the TelerikInputBase is firing the notification before the change is actually applied.

    private protected void TriggerChange(T value)
      if (this.ValidateOn == ValidationEvent.Change)
      this.OnChange.InvokeAsync((object) value);

Is there a better way to be doing this? 
I do not want to have to add the validation check on every input OnChange.

I have also tried OnFormUpdate with the same issue, this is the function I am using where EditContext still has the old values

protected async Task OnFormUpdate(FormUpdateEventArgs args)
    if (!IsUpdating)
        IsUpdating = true;
        DataHasChanged = true;
        var type = args.Model.GetType();
        var property = type.GetProperty(args.FieldName);
        if (property != null)
            if (property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SkipMessageCheckAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault() is not SkipMessageCheckAttribute)
                await CheckMessagesAsync();
        IsUpdating = false;
    DataIsValid = !EditContext.GetValidationMessages().Any() && Messages.All(m => m.Priority != PageMessagePriority.Error);



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