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UI for WinUI Forum
0 answers

Hi Telerik,

I trying to run my app in windows, and observe that the Telerik RadSlideDrawer is not opening, to view the content, whereas the same code works fine in Android.




App in Windows:


App in Android (Works fine):



Mohammed Rameez Raza (Rameez).

Mohammed Rameez
Top achievements
Rank 1
 updated question on 23 Aug 2023
0 answers



  I am using the DateTimeContinuousAxis to manage a chart with a CandlestickSeries and a RangeBarSeries.  However there is a visual "bug", the candles stroke is not always centered on the candlestick, the gap is not always equal between the bars and the candle doesn't seem to be always centered over the tick.  Please see my attached image.

// horizontal axis
    <tchart:DateTimeContinuousAxis  MaximumTicks="5" PlotStretch="Uniform" 
    PlotMode="OnTicks" GapLength="0.3" FontSize="11" LastLabelVisibility="Visible"  Visibility="Visible"/>

// first serie
<tchart:CandlestickSeries x:Name="candleStickSeriesA" ItemsSource="{Binding}" ClipToPlotArea="False"  ZIndex="10"
                                                  tchart:ChartTrackBallBehavior.TrackInfoTemplate="{StaticResource EmptyTemplate}">

// second serie
<tchart:RangeBarSeries x:Name="candleVolumeSeriesA" ItemsSource="{Binding}" ZIndex="1"
                                               tchart:ChartTrackBallBehavior.TrackInfoTemplate="{StaticResource EmptyTemplate}">


  My guess is that this is in relation with the zoom level, probably the space cannot be divided perfectly by the candle space / gap or something like that.

  I need to use the DateTimeContinuousAxis because it's the only DateTime axis that allows for a constant max number of labels.  I really think this feature should be available on all Axis types..

Anyway to fix this?  Maybe an adaptive GapLength would be a good feature to add, unless I am missing something.


Thank you!


Top achievements
Rank 1
 asked on 27 Jul 2023
0 answers


I have a Datagrid and on double click on an row a detail view for this row is loaded. And when clicking the back button the datagrid view is loaded again. The Viewmodel behind the datagrid is a singleton, so the data is still there.

Now what I want is to preserve the filters of the grid so that a user can set a filter, double click an entry, click the back button and has the filter still set and the data still filtered.

Its a bit tricky but i can do that with Text- and DateTimeFilters by saving the Datagrids Filterdescriptors in the Viewmodel in the OnNavigatedFrom event and setting a cloned version of them in the OnNavigatedTo Event.

But I see no possibility for DistinctValueFilterDescriptors because the actual Data is set in the filter.

Is there a better way to save and load the filter state of a grid?

Top achievements
Rank 1
 asked on 21 Jul 2023
2 answers

Hi guys!


  I would like to customize as much as possible this wonderful control that is the TimeBar.

  At the very least I would like to be able to change the color of the blue thumb handles:

- if possible, I would like to change t only for my current page, not system-wide

- if possible, I would like to find a way to style any control in Telerik in the same manner


  My question might be too large in scope, but if you could help me style this control for my current page it would be greatly appreciated, I cannot find anywhere the items that are customizable in the RadTimeBar docs.  p.s. the TimeBar tag doesn't exist in this forum neither in the choices below my post.  Thanks!!

Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
 answered on 05 Jul 2023
0 answers



  how can I auto scale the chart on the Y axis when the plotted area changes?  I couldn't find it anywhere in the doc.  Thank you!

Top achievements
Rank 1
 asked on 01 Jul 2023
1 answer


If I create RadNumericBox like that:

<input:RadNumericBox ValueFormat="{}{0:f1}" Value="3.6"/>

than I'll see 3.6 displayed, as expected.

However, if I press up-arrow, and then down-arrow, then in edit mode, the control will display


Is there any way to get rid of these floating-point errors? This controls seems to be useless now.

Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 09 Jun 2023
1 answer

I have a chart that displays the temperature over a period of time.

I have 12 data:
- The first 8 is 20 degrees
- The last 4 is 20.25 degrees

I use a SplineAreaSeries to have a smoother rendering, but as you see in the chart, it gives a misrepresentation of the reality. The chart shows a temperature under 20C and over 20.25C.

Is it by design? Please see my "Expected.png" image.

Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 19 May 2023
1 answer

How can I turn off the bar animation for FeaturedMeasure? I am updating the value and the animation fills the bar each time. I would prefer for the value to just change or the animation starts at the last value being displayed, not starting from the beginning each time.

Turning off all animations would be acceptable also.

Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 11 Apr 2023
1 answer
How can I create a listview with alphabetical group header like a simple agenda?
Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 20 Feb 2023
1 answer

I wanted to try your components for .NET MAUI & WINUI.

I was able to make the MAUI demo work.

I can't find the Telerik.WinUI.Controls.Trial NUGet package for the WINUI demo.

Thank you.

Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
 answered on 07 Feb 2023
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