Xamarin forms Telerik PDF viewer open pdf form in editable mode

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Manikandan asked on 28 Jul 2023, 09:40 AM

Hello Team,

We are developing a mobile application using Xamarin forms.

We need to edit the pdf form and show the edited form in Telerik pdf viewer.

we completed the pdf edit functionality and we can able to view edited details on 3rd party apps.

but, we cannot able to view edited details in Telerik pdf viewer control.

Kindly suggest viewing the edited details and editing the pdf form in pdf viewer.


Manikandan K


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Telerik team
answered on 31 Jul 2023, 08:03 AM


From the described case you are editing the pdf document, then saved it and then trying to display the saved document in the viewer. Is this correct? Could you please send me the pdf document that you try to display in the viewer? Also if you can isolate the behavior in a sample app with all steps you have described, that could be of great help further researching the case. 

If you do not want to sent the pdf document and app in the forum, you can open a private support ticket and attach the project and the document to it.

Looking forward to your reply.

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commented on 01 Aug 2023, 09:14 AM


Yes, you are correct.

I've created a sample app to edit pdf documents and attached the source code and pdf document for your reference.

Please review it and let me know the solution as soon as it is possible.




Telerik team
answered on 03 Aug 2023, 11:19 AM | edited on 14 Aug 2023, 11:21 AM

Hi Manikandan

Thank you for the provided project. It was of great help understanding the case. You want to use interactive forms in the Telerik Xamarin PdfViewer, this is currently not supported. We have this logged as a feature request. Here is the item: https://feedback.telerik.com/xamarin/1418311-pdfviewer-interactive-forms-on-xamarin 

Regarding to the case with the text in the forms after visualizing in the viewer - I have researched this further and this is an issue in the control. I have logged it here: https://feedback.telerik.com/xamarin/1619815-pdfviewer-filled-values-are-not-shown-in-forms Your Telerik points are updated for this report. A fix for this issue is expected for the R3 2023 release of Telerik UI for Xamarin. 

Let me know if you have any additional questions.

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