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.NET MAUI Resources Hub

Aloha! Welcome to the world of .NET MAUI—the next-generation framework for building awesome cross-platform apps! Join Sam Basu for a deep dive into the waters of (.NET) MAUI and get started with our weekly newsletter, engaging blog posts and Twitch streams.

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The .NET Dev Show

Every Thursday, 10 am ET

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Sands of MAUI Weekly Newsletter

A weekly newsletter dedicated to curating the latest .NET MAUI news & updates relevant to developers.

Sands of MAUI: Issue #93

Sands of MAUI: Issue #92

Sands of MAUI: Issue #91

Sands of MAUI: Issue #89

Sands of MAUI: Issue #87

Sands of MAUI: Issue #86

.NET MAUI Twitch Streams

Join Sam Basu on an exploration of the latest in the .NET stack, live on Twitch, and get your .NET MAUI questions answered!
Migration and Modernization with .NET MAUI | DevReach 2022

In this DevReach 2022 session Sam Basu, Developer Advocate at Progress & Microsoft MVP talks about the benefits of modernization, migrating to .NET MAUI and what that means for your apps, bringing web to desktop and so much more.

See the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Documentation

Watch Episode

March 7, 2023

The Journey to Accessible Apps with .NET MAUI | DevReach 2022

In this DevReach 2022 session, Rachel Kang, Software Engineer at Microsoft talks about what the journey to accessible apps looked like with .NET MAUI and what it means for the future. A11y for the win!

See the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Documentation

Watch Episode

March 7, 2023

NET Dev Show: Building a .NET MAUI Newsletter App

Building the Sands of MAUI newsletter app is a joy ride, especially with so many new .NET MAUI bits available for tinkering! Code from scratch with Sam Basu!

Check out Dan's blog:

➡️Check out more from Telerik UI for MAUI here:

➡️Catering to Desktop & Mobile With .NET MAUI:

➡️For easy-breezy access to the Controls Samples App, SDKBrowser App & a Crypto Tracker App, follow this link:

➡️Why Evolve to .NET MAUI?

Watch Episode

March 7, 2023

.NET Dev Show: Sharing Code between Blazor and .NET MAUI

Can you share code between Blazor and .NET MAUI? Catch Sam Basu pondering the question and testing it in practice!

Check out Dan's blog:

➡️Check out more from Telerik UI for MAUI here:

➡️Catering to Desktop & Mobile With .NET MAUI:

➡️For easy-breezy access to the Controls Samples App, SDKBrowser App & a Crypto Tracker App, follow this link:

➡️Why Evolve to .NET MAUI?

Watch Episode

March 7, 2023

JS Girl in a .NET World: Let's talk Interop between Angular, Blazor & .NET MAUI

Welcome to JS Girl in a .NET World where the idea, in theory, doesn't always work in practice, but we make it worth your time anyways! Learn whether there can be an interop between Angular, Blazor & .NET MAUI or Alyssa is going to permanently delete code...

Useful links:

Watch Episode

March 7, 2023

JS Girl in a .NET World: Angular App Wrapped in a.NET MAUI Blazor Hybrid App!

Let's chat about .NET MAUI Blazor Hybrid apps. More precisely, Alyssa will make a brand new Angular app and practice (along with anyone who wants to give this a try) wrapping it in a .NET MAUI Blazor Hybrid App. Easy, right?

Check out DevReach:

See the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Documentation

Watch Episode

March 7, 2023

.NET MAUI News Hub Developing

Interested in Developing with .NET MAUI?

Kickstart your cross-platform app development with Telerik UI for .NET MAUI—the most comprehensive UI library for .NET MAUI on the market today! Code once and build native applications for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS.

Try Now