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What’s New in the R3 2020 Release

Telerik & Kendo UI R3 2020: 45+ New Components, Blazor and WinUI Updates, Support for .NET 5, Angular 10, Vue 3.0 & More!

R3 2020 Release Overview

The One UI Library You Need!

The .NET and JavaScript ecosystems are evolving rapidly, and our Telerik and Kendo UI R3 2020 release is LIVE to help you keep up with the latest innovations in creating stunning web, desktop and mobile apps.  

If you are an existing Telerik customer, dig right into the release by downloading the latest bits. To access the latest Angular, React and Vue functionalities, install the respective npm packages. Or, if you haven’t recently checked out our products, now is the perfect time to give them another try and let us know how you like them or what we need to improve.  

Learn all about the latest improvements by signing up for the Telerik and Kendo UI R3’20 release webinars and Twitch sessions:  

Register for Telerik Web Products Release Webinar and Twitch Session 

Register for KendoReact & Kendo UI for Vue Release Webinar and Twitch Session 

Register for Kendo UI for Angular & jQuery Release Webinar and Twitch Session 

Register for Telerik Desktop & Mobile Products Release Webinar and Twitch Session 

Register for Telerik Reporting &Testing Release Webinar and Twitch Session 


Kendo UI What's New overview image featuring a sample gantt chart


  • New Component: React Gantt Chart
  • New Component: React AppBar
  • New Component: React Loader
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Kendo UI for Angular What's New in R3 2020

Kendo UI for Angular

  • New Component: Angular ListView
  • New Component: Angular AppBar
  • New Component: Angular Loader
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Kendo UI for Vue What's New in R3 2020

Kendo UI for Vue

  • Vue 3.0 Compatibility
  • New Component: Vue MaskedTextBox
  • New Component: Vue AutoComplete
  • New Component: Vue ComboBox
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Kendo UI for jQuery What's New in R3 2020

Kendo UI for jQuery

  • New Component: jQuery Wizard
  • New Component: jQuery Image Editor
  • New Component: jQuery AppBar
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Kendo UI What's New in R3 2020

Kendo UI

  • Angular Updates in R3 2020
  • React Updates in R3 2020
  • Vue Updates in R3 2020
  • jQuery Updates in R3 2020
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Telerik UI for Blazor TileLayout

Telerik UI for Blazor

  • New Component: TileLayout
  • New Component: TreeList
  • New Component: Editor
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Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core ImageEditor

Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core

  • Official Support for the latest preview version of .NET Core 5
  • New Component: ASP.NET Core Image Editor
  • New component: ASP.NET Core Wizard
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Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Card Component

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX

  • New Component: Card
  • New Chart Feature: Crosshairs
  • New and Improved Documentation and Demos
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Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Wizard

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC

  • New Gantt Component Feature: Planned Vs. Actual
  • New component: Wizard
  • New Component: Image Editor
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Gantt Planned vs Actual_370x200

Telerik UI for PHP

  • New Component: Image Editor
  • New Gantt Component Feature: Planned Vs. Actual
  • New Component: Wizard
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Telerik UI for JSP Wizard

Telerik UI for JSP

  • New Component: Wizard
  • New Gantt Component Feature: Planned Vs. Actual
  • New Component: Image Editor
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Telerik UI for Xamarin

  • ComboBox control
  • RichTextEditor Control
  • Extending Blazor Bindings for Telerik UI for Xamarin
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AutoSuggestBox control

Telerik UI for WPF

  • AutoSuggestBox Control
  • Office 2019 Theme
  • Multiple Thumbs Support for Slider
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Telerik UI for WinForms

  • Design Time Support for .NET 5
  • TaskDialog control
  • ListView Column Auto-Sizing
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Telerik Test Studio

  • Redesigned Test Recorder
  • Extended Native Telerik UI for Blazor Components Support
  • Test Studio in Dark Mode
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New Features in Web Report Designer in Telerik Reporting

Telerik Reporting

  • New Features in Web Report Designer in Telerik Reporting
  • New WPF Report Viewer Theme
  • SVG Images Support in Telerik Reporting
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Report Preview Cancelling  in Telerik Report Server

Telerik Report Server

  • Report Preview Cancelling in Telerik Report Server
  • New Features in Web Report Designer in Telerik Report Server
  • SVG Images Support in Telerik Report Server
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Implement Support for .NET 5 Latest Preview

Telerik JustMock

  • Implement Support for .NET 5 Latest Release Candidate
  • Implement Support for Code Coverage in JustMock Azure Pipeline Task for .NET Core
  • Implement Support for Multiple Instances of Visual Studio for the DebugWindow Functionality
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Free Tools

Fiddler Everywhere

Fiddler Everywhere

  • New UI Themes
  • New Rule Builder
  • New Overview Inspector
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Release History

R2 2020

The New Era of .NET is Coming! Telerik Controls Now Feature Support for .NET 5 Preview, Blazor WebAssembly, and 40+ Blazor Native Components!

R1 2020

Telerik UI for Blazor – The Fastest Growing Native Component Suite introduces new controls, viewer for Reporting and much more!

R3 2019

Market-First Telerik UI for Blazor with 25 Native Components, Support for Angular 8 & Latest .NET Core & Much More!

Detailed Release Notes List for past 15 years

See History

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