column menu feature localization

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Colin asked on 19 Apr 2024, 05:00 PM
Which version must one download to get all the translations for these languages "en-US", "fr-CA", "de-DE", and "zh-CN"?

We seem to be missing translations in Canadian French "fr-CA" for "Sort Ascending", "Sort Descending", "And", and "Or".

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Telerik team
answered on 23 Apr 2024, 12:34 PM

Hello, Colin,

I believe that you are getting the fr-CA message from the kendo-react-messages repo. Is this correct?

Basically, these messages are added by the community as PRs, and are not related to the KendoReact version. For more information on this, check the following article:

You can add them manually using the `sortAscending` and `sortDescending` built-in messages in the json file where the French translations are included. In addition, you can also check the demo in the globalization article where they are used:

Please let me know if you have any further questions on this matter.

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commented on 25 Apr 2024, 02:36 PM | edited

Hello Wissam,

Thank you for your quick response.

Yes we are  getting the fr-CA message from the kendo-react-messages repo.

You say that messages are added by the community as PRs and sent a link for details.
That link did not indicate how to create a PR to add translations nor did it indicate how to get an updated translation file with translations updated by others.
Telerik team
commented on 30 Apr 2024, 02:08 PM

Hi, Colin,

The exact steps are included in the `` article in the repo, sorry for not including it earlier:

This article explains how to create a pull request:

In addition, to get the latest changes, you need to checkout to the `master` branch using `git checkout master`, and get the latest changes using `git pull`.

If you need any additional help on this matter, please let me know.

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