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As the title suggests,
I have certain flow that executes once the user interacts with a form.
So for simplicity lets say user clicked a button and then a dialog is displayed saying "Enter Container Number",
the user entered a container and then a grid ( under the form ) is displaying the selected record (aka container record from a db query)
one of the fields/columns is "booking number" (which is a clickable/typable-input control, thanks to the behavior of blazor/telerik I assume?)..
Eitherway, I want that booking number to be focused ..

<GridColumn Field=@nameof(TpDeliveryContainerCargoData.EntranceDocNumberContainer) Visible="@Grid_EntranceDocNumberContainer_IsVisible" Width="120px" />

So basically as soon as user entered a container and the grid is updated with the record of that particular container, I want to SETFOCUS 
so user doesnt have to press /click anything, and understand that the next thing he/she should be doing is to enter a booking number.

( already solved with JS ), but Im trying to understand if theres a better approach while using telerik functionality ! thanks.

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 updated question on 04 Sep 2023
2 answers
I am using a kendo react breadcrumb component. It has 3 menu items. Home -->Profile-->Details.  If i click on Profile, i want to navigate to Profile.jsx page. How can i do it? i am not getting enough examples on how navigation works in breadcrumbs.  Kindly help me
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 updated answer on 04 Sep 2023
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Is there a control in planning that will make it possible to carry out a technical analysis? Something like the I still miss that in the Telerik kit. It would be a great new development for Maui, WPF and ASP.
Patrick | Technical Support Engineer, Senior
Telerik team
 answered on 24 Aug 2023
1 answer


Product: Telerk TestStudio, Version: 2023.1.329.1

Browser: Chrome, Version: 116.0.5845.97 (Official Build) (64-bit)

In automation, I need to navigate from start page to end page to complete the contract creation process which requires entering/selecting info and navigate to next pages by clicking on "Next" button. In this process after clicking on Next button, next page takes more than 30 secs to load (~40-50 secs). And automation fails at that moment with exception. Exception attached.

For instance, there are 3 pages to complete the process. I am selecting few values on the 1st page and clicking on the Next button. It navigates to the 2nd page immediately. But when click Next button on 2nd page, it is taking more than 30 seconds before it goes to 3rd page.

NOTE: I am clicking "Next" button on 2nd page. As soon as I click on Next, it is trying to go to 3rd page. But it takes more than 30 secs on 2nd page before it navigates to 3rd page.

I tried different ways to to solve this problem to wait until the next page is displayed.

1. By updating ClientReadyTimeout to 180000 milliseconds

            int  oldValue = Manager.Settings.ClientReadyTimeout;
            Manager.Settings.ClientReadyTimeout = 180000;
            Pages.EntrustPartnerPortal27.ProductConfigSubmitSubmit.MouseClick(ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.MouseClickType.LeftClick, 0, 0, ArtOfTest.Common.OffsetReference.AbsoluteCenter);
            Manager.Settings.ClientReadyTimeout = oldValue;

2. By updating Client Ready Time to 120000 from Test Ribbon. Screen shot attached

Question: How can I resolve the issue so automation wait until next page is displayed after clicking on Next button?

Please provide the solution to overcome this issue.


Ashish Thakkar

Plamen Mitrev
Telerik team
 answered on 21 Aug 2023
2 answers

Hello Team,

We are developing a mobile application using Xamarin forms.

We need to edit the pdf form and show the edited form in Telerik pdf viewer.

we completed the pdf edit functionality and we can able to view edited details on 3rd party apps.

but, we cannot able to view edited details in Telerik pdf viewer control.

Kindly suggest viewing the edited details and editing the pdf form in pdf viewer.


Manikandan K


Telerik team
 updated answer on 14 Aug 2023
2 answers

Hi Team,

I am facing a strange issue.

I included all required scripts in _layout.cshtml head section.


In child page(Index.cshtml):

If I try to do remote call and assign data to grid, then it return KendoGrid is not a function error in console.

But if I try to create grid using a static data, grid is loading as expected.


As per my understanding, here issue is if i make a remote call or ajax call which can take some amount of time to fetch data, then I am facing this error otherwise with some static data, grid is working fine.


If anyone knows fix, please help

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Rank 1
 answered on 13 Aug 2023
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I am writing to raise an issue regarding a problem I encountered while upgrading our Sitefinity instance. We recently initiated an upgrade process to the latest version of Sitefinity, and we've encountered an issue related to the AjaxControlToolkit path not being found.

Despite following the standard upgrade procedure and ensuring that all necessary components and dependencies were properly migrated, we consistently encounter a "Could not find a part of the path '...\AjaxControlToolkit.3.0.20820.0'" error when attempting to use the AjaxControlToolkit features. The AjaxControlToolkit Package is present in the package folder but it is unable to locate it.

    • Previous Sitefinity Version: 11.0.6701
    • Target Sitefinity Version: 14.1.7800
    • AjaxControlToolkit Version: 3.0.20820.0
  1. Error Details:

    • Error Message: "Could not find a part of the path'...\AjaxControlToolkit.3.0.20820.0"

This happens when i try to upgrade all the process happens seemlessly only this creates the issue please provide the solution.

And after the fail upgrade it's not even rollbacking the updates. 

1 answer

Currently I have the below code that works when the "Notes" Column is the last column and is on screen.

If grid overflows and needs a scroll bar the CellLoaded method gets called indefinitely until user scrolls to make the "Notes" Column show on the screen. And needs to stay on screen while scrolling up/down to keep expected functionality.

private void radGridView_CellLoaded(object sender, CellEventArgs e)
    GridViewCellBase cellItem = e.Cell;
    // Only run once per row, after all cells are loaded [Notes is last loaded column]
    if (cellItem.Column.UniqueName == "Notes")
        GridViewRowItem rowItem = cellItem.ParentRow;
        if (rowItem.Item != null && rowItem.Item is DataRowView)
            _viewModel.ToggleHighlightingCells_BasedOn_CellSpecificHighlighting_Column(((DataRowView)rowItem.Item).Row, rowItem.Cells);


I have tried to use RowLoaded (see below), but the styling achieved is not applied correctly

private void radGridView_RowLoaded(object sender, RowLoadedEventArgs e)

    if (e.Row is GridViewRowItem rowItem && rowItem.Item is DataRowView dataRowView)
        _viewModel.ToggleHighlightingCells_BasedOn_CellSpecificHighlighting_Column(dataRowView.Row, rowItem.Cells);



Any thoughts of what I can do to make the RowLoaded method work like the CellLoaded?

Is Loaded methods ran first is there a trigger that happens after Load?

I am needing the data in the row to be populated and then the styling applied after, based on the data loaded in the row

Telerik team
 answered on 10 Aug 2023
1 answer



I am using raddatagridviews in I want to check if particular item should  not be enter in raddatagridview.  So far I have done this but not working

  Private Sub ChkDuplicateItem()
        Dim Found As Boolean = False

        For i = 0 To Me.dgvCore.Rows.Count - 1
            If Convert.ToString(Me.dgvCore.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value.ToString.Contains("Core")) = txtItemName.Text.Trim() Then
                Found = True
                Exit For
            End If

        'Return Found

        If Not Found Then
        End If
    End Sub

This  Core Item should not repeat again


Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Telerik team
 answered on 09 Aug 2023
0 answers
Hello guys. I updated my kendo-grid package version from 4.8.0 to 5.1.0. However, I am facing the following problem:

Does anyone know what can it be? Maybe is a storybook error?
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 asked on 08 Aug 2023
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