How to specify the min property of a kendo-splitter-pane element in rem or px

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FNN asked on 23 May 2024, 08:28 AM

I tried setting the min property to rem, but it didn't work. Then I read that I can use minPixel property to specify a pixel value in Angular 11+, but that doesn't work either.

The min property of the kendo-splitter-pane element works correctly for me only with %, but I need rem or px. 

Please provide information about the actual behavior and how you can get the desired result.

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answered on 27 May 2024, 01:04 PM


Both the min and max properties of the SplitterPaneComponent accept values in pixel or percentage format, which also applies to the size property of the component. The mentioned is documented in the following article:

For better understanding, I am linking below a StackBlitz example, which demonstrates the behavior of the Splitter panes when their respective min property is specified with a pixel value: 

In the example, it can be observed that the panes of the Splitter behave as expected, i.e. each SplitterPaneComponent cannot be resized below the particular pixel values that are defined for its min property.

I hope the provided information sheds some light on the matter. 

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