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UI for Silverlight Forum
1 answer

Dear Telerik,

we have a serious problem using your report viewer for Silverlight. Presently all reports and graphics can only be printed out to locally connected printers. Printing to a networked printer does not work. The functions give the impression that the print process is running but at the end all that comes out of the networked printer is a blank sheet of paper. We have also discovered that the same is true of your online demo of the PDF-Viewer.

We need urgently your help in this matter.

With thanks in Advance.


Gina Siebrecht

Telerik team
 answered on 18 Aug 2020
5 answers

First I appologise I do not know which control this should belongs, hence I put this in general discussion.

I am looking for a control which can achieve the following:

- Freeze Column Header
- Freeze Column(s)
- Drill down on Column Header
- Drill down on Row

Attached is the example of report I would like to do in Silverlight.

Currently I know there is the Reporting Viewer, however it does not support Freezing on header. So I cannot choose this option.
The closest I found is the TreeVewList and the DataGrid. However both does not support drill on the header.

Please help and let me know any idea how to achieve this if possible.

Many thanks.
Telerik team
 answered on 03 Jul 2020
2 answers



I"m working with RadDiagram where I added several RadDiagramContainerShape and RadDiagramShape. The main container is a RadDiagramContainerShape and it is positioned at (0, 0) according to the RadDiagram.


When I click on the top left corner of the main container, at the red dot in the attached image, the button click is (41,39). Then I use PointToClient to get the position in the RadDiagram and I have (35, -40), knowing that it is supposed to be around (0, 0). Then to make sure of this I calculated the  PointToScreen using the main container location which is (0, 0). The result was (6, 79), but it is supposed to be around the button click (41,39).


In addition, when I drag and drop shapes to my main container it never goes to the cursor position because all what is mentioned above is not accurate.


Is this normal, and what can I do to fix this?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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 answered on 26 Jun 2020
5 answers
I have binded RadCombo in RadGridView.And i have added IsEditable="True" TextSearchMode="Contains" IsTextSearchEnabled="True" property to the RadCombobox ,however text search is not working.Kindly provide me the solution for this problem.I have copied the piece of code which has the RadComboBox.Kindly review it and let me know the solution.




telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding PromptID}" Header="Prompts" Width="*" > <telerik:GridViewDataColumn.CellTemplate 


<DataTemplate> <input:RadComboBox x:Name="comboPrompts" IsEditable="True" TextSearchMode="Contains" IsTextSearchEnabled="True" EmptyText="Select"  







SelectedValue="{Binding PromptID}"


ItemsSource="{Binding Path=PromptsForStep, Source={StaticResource PromptsSource},Mode=TwoWay}"/>




<input:RadComboBox x:Name="comboPrompts" TextSearchMode="Contains" IsTextSearchEnabled="True" EmptyText="Select" IsEditable="True"


DisplayMemberPath="CodeAndText" SelectedValuePath="PromptID"


SelectedValue="{Binding PromptID}"


ItemsSource="{Binding Path=PromptsForStep, Source={StaticResource PromptsSource},Mode=TwoWay}"/>



</DataTemplate> </telerik:GridViewDataColumn.CellEditTemplate>











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 answered on 18 Jun 2020
5 answers


Is it possible to create Fishbone (cause effect) diagram with telerik diagram control?

Like the image attached.




Delio Tomaz

Dinko | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
 answered on 16 Jun 2020
12 answers

When I add PropertyDefinitions to the PropertyDefinitions member of a PropertyGrid, if they have NestedProperties, they are collapsed by default (i.e. the plus sign is visible, not the minus sign, and the nested properties are not yet visible).  But when I add to the NestedProperties of a ProprtyDefinition, those properties are expanded by default (i.e. the minus sign is visible, and the nested properties are visible).  Is there a way to control this?  In most cases, I'd always want them collapsed by default (this would be much more performant, because it won't try to load everything at once), but ideally I'd use a property of the PropertyDefinition I'm adding, or of the PropertyDefinitionCollection I'm adding to, so I could have complete control of this.


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 answered on 06 Jun 2020
2 answers

I started from the example in the demos.

Basically what is happening is that the template items render fine. Just when filtering is enabled everything disappears. Selecting the Item instead of typing causes the value to display the class type, not the TextSearch.TextPath.

What am I missing here?

<DataTemplate x:Key="ComboBoxCustomTemplate">
    <Grid Margin="0 3">
            <ColumnDefinition />
            <RowDefinition />
            <RowDefinition />
        <TextBlock Grid.Row="0">
            <Run Text="{Binding Distributor}"></Run>
            <Run >(</Run>
            <Run Text="{Binding Country}"></Run>
        <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Foreground="LightGray" FontSize="10" Text="{Binding Region}" />

<telerik:RadComboBox x:Name="DistributorTextBox" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2" ItemsSource="{Binding DistributorData}" VerticalAlignment="Center" EmptyText="Select Distributor" IsEditable="True"  Cursor="Hand" telerik:StyleManager.Theme="Windows7" Height="30" IsFilteringEnabled="True"  OpenDropDownOnFocus="True" TextSearchMode="StartsWith"  TextSearch.TextPath="Distributor" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ComboBoxCustomTemplate}"  CanAutocompleteSelectItems="False"   />

I noticed that if I rip out the template, everything works as expected (filtering and selecting).

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 answered on 05 Jun 2020
3 answers
We have a problem with column sorting in case column uses converter to display values.
For example:
There is a grid column:
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding NameToDisplay,

Property NameToDisplay is bound to column and it may contains the following values:

Item1, Item2… Item10, Item11… Item20, Item21…

When converter is applied displayed values are:

Item001, Item002… Item010, Item011… Item020, Item021…

The problem is occurring in case sorting is applied.

Instead of having following list of items: Item001, Item002… Item010,
Item011… Item020, Item021… after sorting is performed we have:

Item001, Item010, Item011… Item002, Item020, Item021…

Apparently, sorting works based on bound data, not converted

Please advise if there is an appropriate way to avoid this
I cannot change values which are bound to the column and I
would like to avoid custom sorting if it is possible.

Thank you in advance.

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 answered on 27 May 2020
3 answers

I'm trying to figure out how to "intercept" the SaveCommand for RadRibbonBackstageItem and respond to the event in my MVVM code.


<telerik:RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI IsMinimized="True"  Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" BackstageClippingElement="{Binding ElementName=gridRadRtbParent}" DataContext="{Binding Commands, ElementName=ManageLettersRadRTB}" CollapseThresholdSize="50,50" Title="Letter" TitleBarVisibility="Collapsed" QuickAccessToolBarPosition="BelowRibbon" ApplicationButtonContent="File">
        <telerik:FontFamiliesProvider x:Key="FontFamiliesProvider" />
    <!-- Menu - File -->
        <telerik:RadRibbonBackstage >
            <telerik:RadRibbonBackstageItem Header="New" Icon="/Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI;component/Images/MSOffice/16/new.png" IsSelectable="false" telerik:RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI.RichTextCommand="{Binding NewDocumentCommand}" />
            <telerik:RadRibbonBackstageItem Header="Open" Icon="/Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI;component/Images/MSOffice/16/open.png" IsSelectable="false" telerik:RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI.RichTextCommand="{Binding OpenDocumentCommand}" />
            <telerik:RadRibbonBackstageItem x:Name="FileSave"  Header="Save" Icon="/Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI;component/Images/MSOffice/16/save.png" IsSelectable="false" telerik:RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI.RichTextCommand="{Binding SaveCommand}" >

I tried to use SL5 interactivity but in order to make that work I had remove 

"DataContext="{Binding Commands, ElementName=ManageLettersRadRTB}"

from RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI which basically disables all the built in functionality ... not what I want.

 My goal is to respond with my own code when File - Save (which are RadRibbonBackstageItem) is selected from the RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI and not use the default controls Save process.

Is this possible?  If so, could you provide any hints/sample.

Cheers, Rob.


Telerik team
 answered on 26 May 2020
4 answers
I am trying to localize SIlverlight components.
I found your tutorial, example with RadGridView is working fine.
In document is comment:

For a full list of Resource Keys, check out the Localization topic for the specific control.

Please - where can I find resource keys of Telerik components?

Thank you very much.

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 answered on 22 May 2020
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