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8 answers
So I'm trying to develop a proper MVVM solution with RadGridView and some FilterDescriptors. I've read on forums in some old posts that FilterDescriptor don't support binding, but you were supposed to add it...and looking at it now, it indeed looks like FilterDescriptor is a DependencyObject (I'm running version 2011.1.419.1040). So here's what I tried:

<telerik:RadGridView Grid.Row="2" x:Name="BudgetGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
                                 Background="{StaticResource LightGreyBackground}"
                                 ItemsSource="{Binding Posts}"
                                 SelectedItem="{Binding DataContext.SelectedPost,Mode=TwoWay, ElementName=LayoutRoot}"
                                 DataContext="{Binding Budget}" ShowColumnFooters="True"
                <telerik:FilterDescriptor IsCaseSensitive="False"

This does actually work, but isn't very dynamic (just showing snippets of the code here and there are columns in the grid). Back to the drawingboard.

<TextBox x:Name="SearchTermTextBox" Grid.Column="0" Width="150" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<telerik:RadGridView Grid.Row="2" x:Name="BudgetGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
                                 Background="{StaticResource LightGreyBackground}"
                                 ItemsSource="{Binding Posts}"
                                 SelectedItem="{Binding DataContext.SelectedPost,Mode=TwoWay, ElementName=LayoutRoot}"
                                 DataContext="{Binding Budget}" ShowColumnFooters="True"
                <telerik:FilterDescriptor IsCaseSensitive="False"
                                          Value="{Binding ElementName=SearchTermTextBox,Path=Text}"/>

This doesn't work at all. It seems like the FilterDescriptor can't locate the SearchTermTextBox. If that is the case, what's the point of adding support for binding on a FilterDescriptor? Seems kind of odd to me. I've tried a few other different approaches with no luck as well. Looking at the demo ( doesn't help either. I'm not going to add the GridView in my viewmodel as suggested there.

Bottom there a proper MVVM way to use this functionality?
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 answered on 11 Mar 2020
1 answer

I'm working on WPF app with RadTabControl as Prism region and I don't find solution that fully works as expected.

I have region adapter for tab control, close buttons on tabs, but if I close tab, my region adapter doesn't dispose view model attached by Prism to tab item, it is not garbage collected, so I have memory leaks. 

Can someone attache sample project that works?

Vladimir Stoyanov
Telerik team
 answered on 10 Mar 2020
9 answers
Hi all,

I'm binding to a RadPane's IsHidden property as follows:



="{Binding Hidden, Mode=TwoWay}"


My ViewModel looks like this:


public bool Hidden




get { return hidden; }






hidden =




this, "IsHidden");  // Raise is an extension method to do a property changed event




The first time Hidden is set in the ViewModel's constructor, the IsHidden seems to work properly.  Subsequent changes to try to reshow the RadPane through the Hidden property don't work.

-Mike Gold

Vladimir Stoyanov
Telerik team
 answered on 28 Feb 2020
10 answers
SInce the latest update, whenever space is pressed to get a space in a textbox, it just changes highlighting of the panel bar without inputting the space.
Petar Mladenov
Telerik team
 answered on 12 Feb 2020
6 answers


Currently the AutoCompleteBox will display items only when you type at least one letter.

Is it possible to display all items when AutoCompleteBox gets a focus? Basically if I click on the AutoCompleteBox I would like to see the list of all available items, then if you start typing it will filter as standard.




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 answered on 21 Jan 2020
1 answer

My provider is set to BingRestMapProvider and set in the initialization with a MapMode.RoadOnDemand. Map shows the correctly. However when I use the MapCommand Bar to switch to Aerial it goes to MapMode.Aerial and when I go back to Road it goes to MapRoad.Road. I need to use both RoadOnDemand and AerialOnDemand all of the time. 

I've tried setting the Mode property of my provider on the OnLayOutUpdated event but it only works 80% of the time.


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 answered on 17 Jan 2020
6 answers
When the combo is open and you press a key, it scrolls to show the first item starting with that letter at the bottom of the list in the scrollviewer.  Typically you want to see that item and other items beginning with that letter, but the other items are off the bottom.  Is it possible to scroll the scrollviewer so that the highlighted row is as near the top of the scrollviewer as possible?
Petar Mladenov
Telerik team
 answered on 17 Jan 2020
19 answers

The property editor is split in 2 columns:

Label Column
Editor Column

I want to create a property editor with following features:

It must show a readonly textbox that contains the path of a file
At the right side i must have a button that allows opening a filedialog
I do not want the property editor to show a horizontal scrollbar

I have created a readonly textbox that contains the path of the file, it will contain a button with which i can open a filedialog. I have made a template that will show a texttrimmed textblock. So far so good...

I know the horizontal scrollbar can be turned of in the property editor. But the textbox always resizes so it can show the entire path. This means that if the text in it is to long, i will not see the button on the right.

I have found there is a property for the Width of the label column but not for the width of the editor column, so how can i set the MaxWidth of my editor match the width of the Editor column?

What i want to achieve is like the visual studio property editor... that there is no horizontal scrollbar shown at any time... but that the user would have to resize the propertygrid for seeing the entire path of the file.

Is this possible?

Dilyan Traykov
Telerik team
 answered on 14 Jan 2020
6 answers
Hi there, Please help me solve this problem

I'm working with the exporting the RadDocument into different file format.(HTML,Docx,PDF)
I have data in the table which are both English and Thai language(My native language). At this time, exporting to HTML and Docx work fine. However, when I export this into PDF, the table cell that has a Thai text becomes unreadable (It becomes a kind of square text or something). I already set a font family (such as MS Arial Unicode) in which Thai language can be used but exporting still failed.

The source code of setting font is some kind like this.

            Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.Span span = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.Span();
            span.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Arial Unicode MS");
            paragraph.TextAlignment = Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.RadTextAlignment.Center;

Do I need to thing set something else?

Telerik team
 answered on 03 Jan 2020
4 answers

The following code produces a confirm Window but it displays the control object type name and not what I assigned to the DialogParameters

Resulting text in Confirm Window:


Here is my code:

            Dim rWParameters As New Telerik.Windows.Controls.DialogParameters
                    With rWParameters

                        .Header = "CONFIRMATION"
                        .Content = "My message to confirm action"
                        .OkButtonContent = "Yes"
                        .CancelButtonContent = "No"
                    End With

            RadWindow.Confirm(rWParameters, AddressOf ShowConfirmationOnClosed)


    Private Sub ShowConfirmationOnClosed(sender As Object, e As WindowClosedEventArgs)


            If e.PromptResult = "Yes" Then
            End If

        Catch ex As Exception

            Dim Problem As New Errors(ex)

        End Try

    End Sub

If I do NOT use DialogParameters and just do this:

    RadWindow.Confirm("My message to confirm action", AddressOf ShowConfirmationOnClosed)

I see the confirm Window with correct message. 

So it looks like RadWindow.Confirm doesn't accept DialogParameters even though the sample in your documentation indicates it does or should.

I'm using version 2016.1.112.1050 of Telerik.Windows.Controls ... I realize there is a more recent version, but no indication it fixes a problem with RadWindow.Confirm.

Help needed ASAP, please.

Cheers, Rob.

Dinko | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
 answered on 26 Dec 2019
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