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Kendo UI for Angular Forum
1 answer

Hi there,

We are using Angular and TailwindCss in our product and we want to use the Kendo Grid like below. Do you have any examples to style the grid like this? If not supported for tailwind, plain css is fine., 

Telerik team
 answered on 25 Mar 2024
1 answer


I'm working on adding functionality to save the grid column size settings when they resized using the columnResize event.

The issue I'm having right now is that I can't access the unique identifier I need (column field) in the ColumnResizeArgs / ColumnBase interfaces.

I see that other libraries like React and jQuery are providing the column field property in their resize events - so I'm curious where the alternative is for Angular (if any).  I see the property is there while debugging the args but I can't see it exposed in the Kendo interface anywhere.

I do see the 'title' property, but this will not work in our application due to translation and other issues.

Any ideas or help would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Telerik team
 answered on 22 Mar 2024
0 answers


I'm using kendo grid in angular. I'm trying to hide/remove the total cell from the kendo grid using *ngIf, but only content inside the cell is hiding, empty cell is showing.

How to hide the total cell from the grid,

This is the code , I have used

<kendo-grid id="antibiotic-result-view" [data]="uniqAntibioticList" [resizable]="false">
    <kendo-grid-column field="Expansion" [width]="150">
        <ng-template kendoGridHeaderTemplate let-column let-columnIndex="columnIndex">
            <div class="antibiotic-heading">{{"Antibiotic" | translate}}
                <mat-checkbox type="checkbox" [ngModel]="allCompleted" disabled="true"></mat-checkbox>
        <ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem let-rowIndex="rowIndex">
            <div *ngIf="dataItem.IsSuppressed">
                <span>{{ dataItem.Expansion }}</span>
                <mat-checkbox type="checkbox" [ngModel]="dataItem.IsSuppressed" disabled="true"></mat-checkbox>

I have been trying for past 2 days, could someone help me on this ?

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 asked on 22 Mar 2024
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VM4083:1 ERROR DOMException: Failed to execute 'setAttribute' on 'Element': 'aria-disabled]' is not a valid attribute name.
    at NoneEncapsulationDomRenderer.setAttribute     , i have this  error when i try to open   tabstrip component whit dialog     on angular 17.3.0
  <kendo-tabstrip-tab title="Tab 1">
    <ng-template kendoTabContent>
      <p>Tab 1 Content</p>
  <kendo-tabstrip-tab title="Tab 2" [selected]="true">
    <ng-template kendoTabContent>
      <p>Tab 2 Content</p>
  <kendo-tabstrip-tab title="Tab 3">
    <ng-template kendoTabContent>
      <p>Tab 3 Content</p>
Telerik team
 answered on 21 Mar 2024
0 answers

Hi All,

We recently have undertaken an effort to upgrade our project to Angular 16 and as part of that we also updated all of our Kendo libraries to 14.2.0.  Since the update, many of our datepicker inputs are behaving extremely strangely, namely, you open the datepicker and it starts frantically scrolling into the past without stopping. I'll attach a gif showing the issue. 

Strangely I can't seem to reproduce it consistently, it happens on our test server every single time but not on my local machine.  Here is an example of how the datepicker looks in code, though it happens across many of them in the application:

              [popupSettings]="{appendTo: 'component'}"

Any help would be appreciated

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 asked on 20 Mar 2024
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When I use the "locked" property on one of my grid columns, the half of the table is half blank.
I noticed that if my grid doesn't have this property, the "width" of each column behaves like "min-width", but when using "locked" in some of the columns, the "width" stays exactly with the exact value of the column instead of still function as "min-width" which causes half of the table to be blank.

To remove the blank half of my "grid" I need to pass a "width" value to the grid, but I believe this is not ideal, as I want my table to have 100% "width", in the example of "locked" documentation the grid is very small ( so that it works without this problem of half being blank.
Is there a way to use the "locked" property so that half of my grid is not white? And that my grid has 100% "width"?
This problem with "locked" makes it unfeasible to use it in our project.

I left it on stackblitz as an example (To see the problem, use a large screen):

1 - the first Grid does not use "locked" so my columns adapt according to the space

2 - in the second Grid with a locked column, there is a blank space on the right side, and the columns become smaller (now respecting the width, instead of using it as "min-width")

link: stackblitz 

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 updated question on 19 Mar 2024
0 answers
I had a customer who would like us to make 'Enter' work similar to Tab for moving across consecutive fields. For that I built a directive to tag onto various open fields where it was applicable (ie. inputs, textareas, kendo-dropdownlist, kendo-dateinput, just avoiding multicolumncombobox because that requires Enter as part of it's functioning).

What I've noticed is this will work for inputs, textareas, even kendo-dropdownlists, but it seems like for kendo-dateinput it will never 'tab' onto or out of those. Here's an example of both the directive and the fields I'm talking about living in the wild:

import { Directive, HostListener, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

  selector: '[tab13]'
export class Tab13Directive {

  constructor(private el: ElementRef) { }

  @HostListener('keydown', ['$event'])
  onKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent) {
    if (event.key === 'Enter') {
      const nextElement = this.findNextFocusableElement();
      if (nextElement) {

  private findNextFocusableElement(): HTMLElement | null {
    const tab13Elements = document.querySelectorAll('[tab13]');
    const currentIndex = Array.from(tab13Elements).indexOf(this.el.nativeElement);

    for (let i = currentIndex + 1; i < tab13Elements.length; i++) {
      if (this.isFocusable(tab13Elements[i] as HTMLElement)) {
        return tab13Elements[i] as HTMLElement;

    return null;

  private isFocusable(element: HTMLElement): boolean {
    return (

HTML example:

<div style="width: 100%; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; white-space: nowrap;">
  <input tab13 id="{{ '0-qs-code' }}" tabindex="{{'120007'}}" />
  <input tab13 id="{{ '0-qs-email' }}" tabindex="{{'120008'}}" />
  <kendo-dateinput tab13 id="{{ '0-qs-rfqsent' }}" tabindex="{{'120009'}}" format="M/d/yy" placeholder="M/d/yy"></kendo-dateinput>
  <kendo-dateinput tab13 id="{{ '0-qs-rfqrec' }}" tabindex="{{'120010'}}" format="M/d/yy" placeholder="M/d/yy"></kendo-dateinput>
  <input tab13 id="{{ '0-qs-quoteno' }}" tabindex="{{'120011'}}"  />

The tab works across all of these but for reasons I'm unfamiliar with the tab13 selector fails at 0-qs-email when the next input is a kendo-dateinput and it fails in 0-qs-rfqsent but it will work from 0-qs-rfqrec because the next selector is an input rather than a kendo-dateinput.

I'm hoping to up my product knowledge a bit and get a better grasp of what the kendo-dateinput is doing under the hood that might explain this behavior and what workarounds might be available for improving the directive.

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 asked on 15 Mar 2024
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I have a kendo grid with many columns and virtualcolumns set to true. I would like to know how to have the horizzontal scroll working while selecting cells with drag enable in order to select cells that are outside of the portion of grid visible in the screen. I've noticed that if I set drag to false the scroll works but then I'm not able to select multiple cells with the mouse. Thanks

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 asked on 14 Mar 2024
1 answer

Is it possible to do nested grouping in a grid? And I don't mean a column grouping. Like handling a case where the grid can do a


And do we have some sample code if this is possible?





Telerik team
 answered on 14 Mar 2024
0 answers

I have a custom control type in a toolbar container (a simple input text box); inside the input box the arrow keys do not work.
Upon investigation I discovered that the problem is related to toolbar navigation (it adds a listener to the keydown event and overrides the arrow keys), so is there a method to avoid this? I though there was a property like navigable to enable or disable this feature.

I found a workaround, but it's almost a hack because it accesses private variables:
inside aferviewInit of toolbar's the parent i call 😱


to remove the  listener, it works until you change the listener name.
i did an example,src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts



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 asked on 14 Mar 2024
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